Learn where to view and search by demographics.
Where to Start
Once demographics are added to eduCLIMBER, those demographics that are not restricted can be viewed and searched within eduCLIMBER. For those demographics that are set as restricted, permitted users will be able to view and/or search by the demographic. Demographics can be viewed/searched:
Viewing on the Student Profile
- Demographics will display under the student image if they are configured to display on the Student Profile. By default only one demographic displayed. Click the + icon to display more demographics if more are added for the student. Click the - icon to hide the additional demographics.
Disability codes automated from your SIS will not display under the student profile image.
Viewing on the Data Wall
- By default, demographics do not display on a data wall. To display demographics (as well as any other demographic) on a data wall, choose to enable demographics from the Student column of the data wall.
- Click the three line menu within the Student Column.
- Select the 9 Dot Menu.
- Scroll down to the Demographics area, and select the checkbox for the demographic(s) to add to the data wall.
Searched via Filters on the District, Grade, Class Tabs and Program Evaluation
- Select Filters from the District, Grade, or Class tab or within Program Evaluation to apply filters to the charted search.
- Click on Demographics to see a dropdown list of all possible demographics inclusive of demographics.
- Identify the selection for the demographic using the dropdown fields next to the demographic(s) of choice.
- Click Apply to apply the filters within the search.
Filtered within Thresholds
- Access Thresholds and choose the threshold to apply the filter. Click Edit on the threshold to access the edit view of the threshold.
- Select Filters.
- All demographics display on the Filters tab. Choose to filter the students who will be monitored in the threshold by selecting the appropriate filters.
Searched via Filters within Incidents
- Select Incidents.
- Select Advanced to run an advanced search on incident data.
- To apply demographic filters to the search, select the arrow next to Advanced Demographics.
- Use the demographic filters to apply to the search.
Students 3D
- Go to Students 3D.
- Select and Academic Year, School, and Grade. Then select Search to view students.
- Select the Demographics filter.
Select a demographic and make selections for the data as applicable. Select Apply to view the students that meet the chosen demographics.
Next Steps
To learn more about demographics, visit the FAQ on Demographics article.