When a file is processed without validating the file, the file can result in errors. When a file errors, the entire row of data on the file is not added to eduCLIMBER. It is important to review the errors, correct the errors, and re-upload the file to ensure all data on the file is added to the system.
Where to Start
Select the common error below to see how to correct the error
Assessment is not defined in the assessment group. If an assessment presents itself in validation and it is skipped, then this error will occur.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error - Assessments on the file need to be validated in order for the data to be uploaded. Assessments can be either assigned to an alias or created as new.
Directions to Solve the Error
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- If needed, click "Set Ready"
- PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready"
Windows can be names or dates (depends upon how the assessment is configured by the vendor)
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Solve the Error
- Select System Configuration
- Select Assessments
- Find the assessment and access the assessment windows
Click "New"
- If the window is being set by a name, then the name needs to be either one of the window names listed or an import alias to one of the windows
- If the window is being set by date (such as when using iReady), then the day needs to fit into one of the date ranges defined for a window; please note that should dates be entered, the date columns need to be unhid in the assessment window area
Directions to Submit Ticket
- If needing more than one window or needing help, submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Assessment Name
- Window Name/Window Dates/Window Alias
A file was uploaded; however, the file was also uploaded with automation.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Solve the Error
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Click checkbox to left of assessment name in Uploads
- Click "Tools"
- Select "Modify Upload"
- Set the status to "RECEIVED" from dropdown
- Click "Save"
PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Save"
Directions to Submit a Ticket
- If problem persists, submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
Grades from the SIS is an unknown grade (i.e. KN, 01, PK, etc.) that was not initially validated. A grade needs to be assigned.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Solve the Error:
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- If needed, click "Set Ready"
- PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready"
Directions to Submit a Ticket:
- If problem persists, submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
- Grade level on error
- What the grade level should be (alias or new)
Vendors generally do not send progress monitoring users in data files. In order to import PM scores, eduCLIMBER requires a user.
To get around this, eduCLIMBER creates a generic user to be used on the import. The first time a PM file (per vendor) imports, the option to add a user will be provided. Once that is done, all of the PM data should flow in.
1. Double-click the upload row to open the validation screen.
2. Check-box the user
3. Create as New
Most file formats are CSV or .XLSX. If the file that is needed is not a CSV or .XLSX, the file type will be listed in the upload type dropdown menu (the first field when uploading a file). Be sure the file matches what is listed.
District Responsibility to Check File Format (and possibly submit a ticket)
1. Check the file to make sure the file and format are correct
2. If the file and format are correct, district to submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support with the Upload # (Illuminate/eduCLIMBER has the file)
3. If the file or format is not correct, district to upload correct file/format
Y-Y is a “four digit year-four digit year” and y-y is a “two digit year-two digit year.”
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket (depends upon the source of the file)
Directions if the file is from a vendor:
- Submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
Directions if the file is a custom file:
Change the year format
- y-y = 19-20
- Y-Y = 2019-2020
Location(s) on file are not in the system. Will appear as error if not configured during validation.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error.
- Location(s) on the file need to be validated in order for the data to be uploaded.
- Location(s) can be either assigned to an alias or created as new.
Directions to Solve the Error:
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- Click "Set Ready"
PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready"
This error is in relation to uploading academic progress monitoring data. The student has two interventions with the same type of progress monitoring probe. The system does not know which intervention should be linked to the progress monitoring probe.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error
Directions to Solve the Error
- Determine which intervention is the intervention to have the progress monitoring probe
- Remove the probe which should not be used
School on file are not in the system. Will appear as error if not configured during validation.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error - School(s) on the file need to be validated in order for the data to be uploaded. School(s) can be either assigned to an alias or created as new
Directions to Solve the Error
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- Click "Set Ready"
PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready"
Typically, there is a duplicate student on the file.
District Responsibility to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Submit a Ticket
- Submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
Incident on file is not in the system. Will appear as error if not configured during validation.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error
- Incident(s) on the file need to be validated in order for the data to be uploaded.
- Incident(s) can be either assigned to an alias or created as new
Directions to Solve the Error
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- Click "Set Ready"
PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready”
Student ID on file is already in use by another student in the system.
District Responsibility to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Submit a Ticket
- Submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
Potentially a duplicate student in the SIS.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error
Directions to Solve the Error
- System Configuration>Students & Guardians>Students>Merge Students
- Merge student
Student ID not on file.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Solve the Error if Only a Few Records are Affected
- Fix IDs in source or on file
- Re-upload file (or wait for nightly upload)
Directions to Submit a Ticket if All or Nearly All Records are Affected
- Submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
Student Name Error (Student Last Name Mismatch)
The IDs matched, but the student had different last names - erred to make sure the ID didn’t get matched to the wrong student.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Solve the Error
- District to fix student name in source or on file (NOTE: If using a fixed width file, changing the name should not involve removing any characters (i.e. removing 2 letters = add 2 spaces
- Re-upload file (or wait for nightly upload)
Directions to Submit a Ticket
- If problem persists, submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
PLEASE NOTE: Data Services can run the file and skip the name matching. This only works for situations of legal name changes. If the student has the wrong ID, the system will put the score on the wrong student.
Student on file is not in the system. Will appear as error if not configured during validation.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error
- School(s) on the file need to be validated in order for the data to be uploaded.
- School(s) can be either assigned to an alias or created as new.
Directions to Solve the Error
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- Click "Set Ready"
PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready"
Typically, a duplicate staff member (teacher) is created.
District Responsibility to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Submit a Ticket
- Submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
Include the following in the ticket:
- Upload #
Disability type on file is not in the system. Will appear as error if not configured during validation.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error
Directions to Solve the Error
- Access Uploads in the left navigation menu
- Select "View All Uploaded Files"
- Double click on the white row of the upload
- Complete the validation/corrections ('Alias' or 'Create' new)
- Click "Set Ready"
PLEASE NOTE: File will automatically process after clicking "Set Ready" - Typically, only changes to a state code can be made
Score display configuration needs to be completed. Most times, the unknown score display is for a transcript grade such as U, N, etc.
District Responsibility to Solve the Error or to Submit a Ticket
Directions to Solve the Error (with calculation score)
- System Configuration>Assessments>Select Assessment>Score Display
- Add score display as appropriate (NOTE: If not wanting to factor calculation, choose "Exclude from calculation" option. Otherwise, submit a ticket.)
Directions to Submit a Ticket (if wanting to factor into calculation)
- Submit a request to eduCLIMBER Support
User within the file does not currently exist in eduCLIMBER or does not match an existing user.
Resolutions can vary by file type. Users may need to be manually created or updated. Go to Users & Security to review existing users and compare to the record within the file.
This is due to duplicate IDs from the source (SIS, Vendor).
Districts will need to fix the duplication at the source then re-send/upload the file or wait until the next automation. For DnA clients, this may happen when reusing IDs.