This overview provides users with an understanding of the eduCLIMBER’s Learning Plans and their respective content. Additional material is continuously being added to both the pathways below as well as the general eduCLIMBER catalog. These pathways represent the assigned learning but additional content may be found in the catalogs themselves. The System Administrators pathway contains 6 hours of content.
All modules listed in this catalog are part of a premium subscription to the Educator Academy. Check with your System Administrator to see if this content has been purchased.
The System Administrator Learning Plan is inclusive of modules in the Non-System Administrators Learning Plan. Please visit Non-System Administrators to view these modules.
Site Set-Up and Configuration for System Administrators
Add Demographic
Demographics are stored and displayed in eduCLIMBER. Additional demographics added can display on the Student Profile and on Data walls. They can also be used to filter data on the district/grade/class tabs, Program Evaluation, Thresholds, and Incidents. While additional demographic data are typically added to the Student Information System (SIS), many are not automated with the sync from the SIS to eduCLIMBER. Therefore, districts can choose to add any additional demographic data to eduCLIMBER via automated upload, manual upload, or custom creation within the system.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The Add Demographic Data course (36 min) contains the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Demographics
- Overview - Demographics
- Demographics in eduCLIMBER
- Overview - Create Additional Demographics
- Create Additional Demographics
- Overview - Demographics Automated from DnA (Data and Assessment)
- Overview - Upload Demographics
- Upload Additional Demographics
- Overview - Automate Additional Demographics
- Overview - Manage Students within a Demographic
- Manually Manage Students within a Demographic
- Knowledge Check - Demographics
Configure Attendance Setting
Attendance data is added to eduCLIMBER from data within the Student Information System. The attendance data available depends on the Student Information System (SIS) of which the organization uses. This course explains all attendance options available based on the SIS used and how to configure additional attendance options.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The Configure Attendance Settings course (33 min) contains the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Attendance Configuration
- Introduction of Attendance Rates
- Overview - Full Day Attendance Rate
- Configuring Full Day Attendance
- Knowledge Check - Full Day Attendance
- Overview - SIS Reported Attendance
- Configuring SIS Reported Attendance
- Knowledge Check - SIS Reported Attendance
- Overview - Period Rate Attendance
- Configuring Period Rate Attendance
- Knowledge Check - Period Rate Attendance
- Overview - Managing Terms and Periods
- Managing Terms
- Overview - Configuring Reported Attendance
- Configuring Reported Attendance
Create and Manage Performance Bands
Academic and screener data added to eduCLIMBER is visualized within charts and data walls. The data displayed is colored based on the Performance Band configured. If no Performance Band is configured, charts display gray in color, and data walls display with no color. Performance Bands are a group of bands used to determine mastery or proficiency in an assessment. They are a quick way to indicate what range a score fell by applying a color to the score. Performance Bands can be created to answer a variety of questions. Therefore, a Performance Band can be configured for different data sets for any given assessment and any cut scores can be used to define the ranges displayed within the band. This course provides users with an understanding of how to navigate existing performance bands as well as how to create and edit them.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The Create and Manage Performance Bands course (36 min) contains the following modules:
Customize District Information
Organizations can customize settings within the system that impact all users. This course reviews how to create a Welcome Message that displays every time a user logins as well as how to set colors on PDF printouts. Additionally, organizations can choose to create school groups to make searching data based on specific data easier. For example, organizations can choose to group all elementary schools or high schools, they can choose to create a school group for schools implementing a new curriculum, and more! Not only can schools be managed, but this course also reviews how to configure School Days Off to ensure accurate attendance reporting within the system as well as ensure fidelity of configured interventions.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The Customize District Information course (20 min) contains the following modules:
Customize Student Information
Upon implementing with eduCLIMBER, students are grouped based on class rosters as imported from the Student Information System (SIS). However, custom student cohorts can be added via student tags. This course reviews provides System Administrators with information on how to upload student tags to create custom student cohorts as well as how to access those student groups/student tags within eduCLIMBER. Additionally, System Administrators will understand how to view student information as uploaded from the Student Information System (SIS) and how to create a "Test Student" for purposes of testing specific features in the system.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The Customize Student Information course (21 min) contains the following modules:
Set User Data Access with Security and Permissions
With the sync of the Student Information System (SIS), classroom teachers have access to student data based on their assigned rosters. This course provides information on how to elevate user permissions to provide users with more student data access or to provide them access to more advanced features in the system. Organizations can choose to assign individual permissions to individual users, or they can choose to create a user group where assigned permissions will be automatically assigned to users within the configured group. Additionally, for users interested in creating User Tags, this course shows users how to create those tags within the system (this is helpful when assigning an item within the system based on a user tag).
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The Set User Data Access with Security and Permissions course (19 min) contains the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Security and Permission
- Overview - All Permissions
- View All Permissions
- Overview - Permission Groups
- Permission Groups
- Overview - Link to Group Recommended Permissions
- Knowledge Check - Link to Group Permissions
- Overview - Individual User Permissions
- Individual User Permissions
- Overview - User Tags
- Manage User Tags
Upload and Validate Data
Data can be added to eduCLIMBER automatically or via manual upload. Regardless of the method, this course shows users how to upload files as well as how to access uploaded files to ensure the files processed accurately. For files that do not process as expected, learn how to validate the file to get the data in the system as well as what to do when the file errors. The "Validate Data" module within this course covers how to validate files sent from the Student Information System (i.e. roster files, behavior files, attendance files, etc.) as well as how to validate assessment files sent via automation or manually uploaded.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
Design Custom Forms with smartFORMS
smartFORMs are customizable templates that can be used as student plans (e.g., intervention, 504, English learner), for data team agendas, and more. Student data can be pulled directly into student plan smartFORMs. Assign action items and easily share access to the smartFORM with the right stakeholders. Create a custom smartFORM or download a template from the climberCLOUD.
Log into your Educator Academy account to view the linked content in this article.
The smartFORMS course (137 min) contains the following modules:
- Learning Objective - smartFORMS
- Overview - smartFORMS
- Video - Introduction to smartFORMS
- Overview - climberCLOUD
- Video - climberCLOUD
- Overview - smartFORM Templates
- Video - Design smartFORM Templates (Beginner)
- Customizing Field Types
- Video - Design smartFORM Templates (Dependencies)
- Video - Design smartFORM Templates - Data IDs
- Video - Design smartFORM Templates - Template Action Items to Specific User
- Video - Design smartFORM Templates - Template Action Items to Specific User Tag / Group
- Video - Rename, Delete, and Duplicate Templates
- Important Information on smartFORM Templates
- Overview - Configure smartFORM Status Codes
- Video - Configure smartFORM Status Codes
- Overview - Assign smartFORMS
- Video - Assign smartFORMS
- Overview - Access smartFORMS
- Video - Access smartFORMS
- Overview - Interact with smartFORMS
- Video - Interact with smartFORMS
- Adding Links within a smartFORM
- Overview - Complete Action Items
- Video - Complete Action Items on smartFORMS
- Knowledge Check - smartFORMS