Risk Ratio is an incident analysis tool located within the Incident Widget where student risk can be measured based on ethnicity, gender, disability, and tag. This lesson guides users through navigating and using the Risk Ratio feature.
Where to Start
- Go to Incidents.
- Select Calculate Risk Ratio at the top right.
Calculate Risk Ratio
- Select the Comparison Type. This is the category that will be used in the comparison. Available categories include Ethnicity, Gender, Disability, or Tag.
- Select the Control Group of the comparison. The available options are dependent on the comparison type and the be the largest segment of the student population should be selected in this field.
- Select one or more School Years.
- A specific Date Range can be optionally added.
- Select Filter Incidents to access filters on type, code, and/or response.
- Select Filter Demographics to access filters on specific student demographics.
- Select Apply to view the Risk Ratio.
Risk Ratio
- Each student group is represented in a tile. The control group has a 1 to 1 ratio. All other student groups are compared against the control group to help identify the degree of disproportionality in incidents reported.
- Each group is also represented in the bar chart to visually display the risk.
- A table displays to the right to break down each level of risk.
- Select Edit Calculation to update the criteria for the comparison.
Risk is calculated based on the total number of students rather than the total number of incidents for the students.
The higher the number for a student group, the higher the risk as it relates to the control group.
Next Steps
To learn more about viewing incident data in eduCLIMBER, visit the Viewing Data manual.