Collections are collaborative, virtual folders that can contain Charts, Data Walls, Forms, and Meetings. They can be created for individual use or be shared with others to collaborate in. Collections can also be categorized further into SubCollections.
Where to Start
- In the left hand navigation bar, go to Collections.
- Toggle through the tabs to view a specific set of Collections. By default, All Collections appear, but can be filtered to view My Collections and collections Shared with Me.
- Select New to create a new Collection.
- The icons displayed with a Collection indicate the type of data within the Collection, such as Charts, Data Walls, smartFORMS, and Meetings.
- Select the SubCollections icon to view SubCollections for each available Collection.
- Select the Filter icon to filter for Collections that contain Charts, Data Walls, smartFORMS, Meetings, and/or SubCollections.
- Select the Sort icon to change the sorting display of the available Collections.
Next Steps
To learn more about Collections, visit Create and Manage Collections.