After a search is generated in Students 3D, there are two visualizations - Charts and Tables. This lesson guides users through the different functionalities and navigating through Charts and Tables in Students 3D.
Where to Start
- Go to Students 3D.
- Select a School Year, School(s), and Grades as the initial search criteria. Only School Year is required.
- Select Search to generate a group of students.
Upload student photos to see images in the charted view.
Chart View
- Use Group and Filters to change the Chart View. In this example, students are Filtered by an assessment and Grouped by Gender.
- The highest population of students in a grouping appears on the left, descending to the lowest population on the right.
- The category students are Grouped by displays.
- The Percentage of the total students that meet the criteria displays for each grouping.
- The Count of students that meet the criteria displays for each grouping.
- Select the Table icon to change from the Charted view to the Table view.
Select an individual student icon to apply a tag or add the student to an intervention.
Table View
- Students appear in a table display and are grouped as they were in the chart view. Use the Search to narrow the table further.
- Expand a grouping to view Student Names.
- If names are selected from the table, select to Apply a Tag or add students to an Intervention.
- Select the icon to return to the Chart view.
Next Steps
To learn more, visit the Students 3D manual.