Item Bank (Legacy and New) and Flexible Assessments given in DnA, can be sent to eduCLIMBER in an Assessment View. This allows users to view DnA assessments alongside other assessments as well as attendance, incident, and intervention data in eduCLIMBER. This lesson guides users through using the Link an Assessment View from DnA to eduCLIMBER and possible warnings users may get when doing so.
Required Permission: Link Assessment Views to eduCLIMBER
Assessments and Skills Assessments cannot be added to Assessment Views at this time. However, it is possible to move these scores into a Flexible Assessment or import them directly in eduCLIMBER via a Generic Importer.
Before You Begin
Want a downloadable version of the process? Click here.
Consider the following:
- What should users see in eduCLIMBER? How are they going to know what to look for?
- Every DnA Assessment View created and linked to eC will show up in the Assessment Suite dropdown.
Creating a separate tile in DnA for the Assessment View for eduCLIMBER in the Test Admin account.
Naming Conventions for DnA vs eduCLIMBER
DnA eduCLIMBER Typical Naming Conventions - 2021-2022 ELA Benchmark Grade 3 Trimester 1
- 2021-2022 Math Unit Test Grade 3 Trimester 1
- Benchmarks
- Interims
Why - Used in Custom Reports
- Different naming conventions help with Tile Layouts
- Assessments are not organized for you by the system
- Data is visualized by filters for grades, school year and subject
- eC will organize your assessments based on TAGS
- District Benchmark
- Interim
- Common Formative Assessment
- "District Name" Local Assessment
All assessments within a DnA Assessment View, should have:
- The same Performance Bands - These can be configured in eC.
- Subject Tags - These can be configured in eC.
Assessment View titles do not need to include:
- Content area
- Grade level
- Roster year
- Teacher name
- Window name
Please review the Create and Manage an Assessment View article prior to linking the Assessment View to eduCLIMBER.
Where to Start
- Go to Assessments.
- Select View Assessments.
- Select the desired Assessment View from the list.
Link to eduCLIMBER
- When in the assessment view, select Advanced to access the advanced menu option.
- Select Link to eduCLIMBER.
- Select a Window for each assessment.
- Windows reference the point in time the assessment is given. For example, Fall/Winter/Spring, Quarters, Semesters, Trimesters, Yearlong, BOY, EOY, and more.
- Windows visualize as separate bars within a chart and separate columns in a data wall in eduCLIMBER.
Testing Window examples in DnA
- Select Submit to confirm the Windows.
- When ready to submit the assessments to eduCLIMBER, select Link this Assessment View to eduCLIMBER.
- A green banner will notify you if the linking was successful.
Windows reference the point in time the assessment is given. For example - Fall/Winter/Spring, Quarters, Semesters, Trimesters, Yearlong, and more. The options available in the dropdown should reflect Windows available within eduCLIMBER.
Review Assessment Warnings
Based on the assessments chosen, Illuminate will provide a list of warnings to be aware of. These warnings will not hinder the assessments from linking into your eduCLIMBER account, but would provide unexpected results.
Testing Windows
The warning above means that a window needs to be assigned or the assessment will not coming over to eduCLIMBER as expected.
Performance Bands
The warning above means the selected assessments have different performance bands. For desired results, the selected assessments must have the same performance bands.
Tagged by Subject
The warning above means that subject areas tagged to the selected assessments if missing or if custom, will be assigned to the Specials category in eduCLIMBER. You may want to consider reviewing and updating the subjects as appropriate for more efficiently visualization of your data.
Confirm Testing Windows
- For each assessment collected, a testing window needs to be assigned. Testing Windows are configured in eduCLIMBER.
- Once a testing window is selected, select Submit.
Assessments in eduCLIMBER
- Go to System Configuration.
- Select Assessments.
- Select the Assessment Group in the list. The Assessment Group name matches the name of the Assessment View within DnA.
- The Assessments within the group are automatically created. The names of each assessment match the titles within DnA.
- Windows are automatically linked based on the selections in DnA.
Select Windows to update the Window names.
Use the “Alias” column to rename the window as a more descriptive name for data visualization. (Q1, BOY, Fall, etc)
Do not remove the Test numbers from DnA in the Window Name to remind you what Test number was used in DnA.
- Performance Bands are not automatically linked within eduCLIMBER. Select Add Bands to add Performance Bands as needed.
While the Assessment Group, Assessments, and Windows are automatically created within eduCLIMBER after selecting Link to eduCLIMBER, the data from the assessments in DnA does not immediately come into eduCLIMBER. It is brought in following the nightly Uploads.
Manage Synced Assessment Views
If you need to stop syncing the assessment view to eduCLIMBER, you can Suspend the sync. This can be used when the view is old or out of date, or contains assessments and data not desired to view in eduCLIMBER.
You can also Resume, or sync the view and added assessments again.
Next Steps
Now that DnA Assessment Views have been linked to eduCLIMBER, take a look at Managing DnA Assessment View Data in eduCLIMBER