The Google Calendar integrations allows user to opt-in to syncing calendar events between their eduCLIMBER calendar and Google calendar.
When the Google Calendar Integration is enabled, it becomes an all-or-nothing feature paired with Google SSO for the individual login instance. This means that if a users chooses not to allow the Google Calendar Integration, they will have to manually login to eduCLIMBER via their username and password.
A user will need to sync their eduCLIMBER calendar to their Google calendar after allowing integration. This article guides users through this process.
The Google Calendar Integration is only available to users logging directly in to eduCLIMBER using Google SSO and does not support Google SSO login from other products, such as DnA.
Before You Begin
This article begins assuming the Google Calendar Integration has been enabled. If it has not, take a look at Enable Google Calendar Integration.
Logging in to eduCLIMBER when the Google Calendar Integration is Enabled
After the Google Calendar Integration has been enabled, users logging into eduCLIMBER via Google SSO will be prompted with a message requesting access to their calendar.
Allow - Select in order to continue using Google SSO and allow eduCLIMBER to View and edit events on all your calendars.
- Users will receive a Security Alert email from Google in their linked Google account confirming the user granted eduCLIMBER access to the Google Account.
Cancel - Select to decline eduCLIMBER access to View and edit events on all your calendars.
- Users will not be able to use Google SSO to login (for this login instance) and will need to manually login to eduCLIMBER using their username and password.
- The message prompt will appear again the next time the user attempts to login to eduCLIMBER via Google SSO.
Sync eduCLIMBER Calendar to Google Calendar
- Select Profile Icon.
- Select User Preferences.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Google Calendar Sync option:
Yes, Sync Always - All events including meetings, interventions,
academic progress monitoring, and SLO strategies will sync to the user's Google calendar. Going forward, all events created and added to the user's eduCLIMBER calendar
will automatically be added to their Google calendar. - Ask When Creating Events - When creating calendar events in eduCLIMBER, user's will be asked if they'd like to sync or not sync the event to their Google calendar.
- No, Never Sync - eduCLIMBER calendar events will never sync to their Google calendar. This is recommended when a user wants to continue using Google SSO, but does not want to integrate their calendars.
Yes, Sync Always - All events including meetings, interventions,
If the Google Calendar Sync option is blank, users will be prompted to sync or not sync all calendar events each time a new one is created.