Score Details provide insight on metrics other than the Primary Score of an Assessment, such as %ile rank or Accuracy. Score Details can be viewed by individual student or by group. This lesson will guide users through accessing Score Details in eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
- Use the District, Grade, or Class tab to generate an academic search.
- Select a portion of a bar chart to drill down into that section's data.
View Score Details for an Individual Student
- Select a student's primary score to view their Score Details.
View Score Details for a Group of Students
- Select Score Details.
- Use the filters to add or remove search parameters.
- The search parameters associated with the selected bar display as default.
- Score Details for the student group appear in the chart.
- Use the buttons to switch between Charts and Data List view.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned about visualizing Score details, take a look at Visualizing Subskill Assessments.