Achievement Dashboard
View Shared Achievement Dashboards Permission
The Achievement Dashboard permissions have been updated so that users with no assigned Achievement Dashboard permissions can now view dashboards that have been shared with them through a View Only version of the dashboard. The new permission default functions to allow users who DO NOT have other Achievement Dashboard permissions assigned to them, but DO have a dashboard that has been shared to them by another user, to view those shared dashboards.
Users with no assigned Achievement Dashboard permissions, who have also had a dashboard shared with them:
The user who is sharing their dashboard dictates the level of control the user they are sharing the dashboard with has, including:
- View Only (default setting if no toggles are selected)
- Edit (can edit the shared dashboard, set a public image, edit/create goals, create objectives, and create action items)
- Share
- Duplicate
- Delete
The new Achievement Dashboard default permission is intended to aid Consortium organizations, which house data from multiple districts in one eduCLIMBER instance. This allows individual users to view shared dashboards, with visualizations of relevant student and school data, without also providing access to District Achievement Dashboards, which would contain data for multiple districts. This division acts to protect Personal Identifiable Information that users should not have access to.
To learn more about sharing Achievement Dashboards, view Edit, Share, and Delete a Dashboard.
To learn more about the different Achievement Dashboard permissions, view Achievement Dashboard Permissions.