Enrollment Data Visualizations are available on the eduCLIMBER Launchpad for all users, combining enrollment information with various demographics. These visualizations allow district stakeholders to inform growth plans and budgets, understand student enrollment changes across the district, and inform educators of student enrollment history. This lesson walks through how to access and utilize Enrollment Visualizations.
Where to Start
- Navigate to the eduCLIMBER Launchpad page.
- Locate the Enrollment widget.
Launchpad View
The Enrollment tile on the Launchpad page provides a general visualization of current enrollment and enrollment trends. Enrollment data is provided by the district Student Information System (SIS), and syncs with eduCLIMBER each night. The enrollment data that appears is dependent upon the user role and permissions.
- The left-hand number displays the number of yesterday's enrolled students.
- Because enrollment data imports from the SIS each night, the enrollment number that displays is actually the enrollment as of the day prior.
- This number will read zero during time periods when school is not in session and students are not currently enrolled, such as during summer break.
- Statistics display enrollment differences between the last year and the last month.
- The first statistic provides a comparison of the current enrollment number, and the enrollment number from the same date the previous year.
- The second statistic provides a comparison of the current enrollment number to the enrollment number from the month prior.
- The graph depicts the overall enrollment trend line for up to five years, if historical enrollment data is available. Hovering over the trend line provides the peak enrollment numbers for each year.
- Select the 3-dot menu to generate a printable PDF or download an image of the current Enrollment Visualization tile.
- Select the Explore button to open further visualizations, with customizable filters and views.
Ongoing Enrollment
- The left-hand visualization displays charts for Ongoing Enrollment, which will display different configurations of student enrollment data, depending on the views and filters selected. Hover over any chart bars to view further details.
- The calendar defaults to the current day, and the enrollment data as of the current day. To view enrollment data for other dates, select anywhere within the calendar field. Use the calendar pop-up to select the desired date.
- Select the Pin to Collection icon to pin the current graph to a new or existing collection.
- Select the 3-dot menu to generate a printable PDF or download an image of the current chart, to download a CSV file of the depicted data, and to enable showing counts on the chart.
If no students were enrolled for the selected calendar date, no chart and no data will appear within the visualization. Select a calendar date when students were enrolled to populate a visualization.
View By Tabs
The different view tabs can be used to view and compare enrollment data in different ways. The tabs available to users are dependent upon the user's role and permissions.
Select the Overall tab to view all of the enrollment data available, dependent on the user's permissions. District users will see enrollment data for the district as a whole. This is the default selected view.
By School
Select the By School tab to view enrollment data for each school site in the district. In this view, users will see enrollment data only for the schools that they have the permissions to view.
If more than 15 schools are listed, the above message will appear, and the Ongoing Enrollment chart will appear with a scrollbar to allow visibility of all school data. To view the data on one page, apply further filters, or download a CSV file to view the data in a spreadsheet.
By Grade Level
Select the By Grade Level tab to view enrollment data for each grade level in the district. In this view, users will see enrollment data only for the grade levels that they have the permissions to view.
By Demographic
Select the By Demographic tab to view enrollment data for each demographic category. In this view, users will see enrollment data only for the students and demographic categories that they have the permissions to view. Select the dropdown to view Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Meal Status, Disability, or ELP Level demographics data.
By School Group
Select the By School Group tab to view enrollment data for different School Groups. School Groups are custom created by districts to meet individualized needs for sorting and viewing data.
If School Groups have not yet been set up for the district, the By School Group tab will display with the above message. Users with the permissions to set up School Groups in the System Configuration will see the option to Set Up School Groups.
Enrollment Trend
- The right-hand visualization displays graphs for Enrollment Trends, which will display different configurations of student data, depending on the views and filters selected. Hover over different points on the trend line to view further details.
The enrollment numbers displayed on the Enrollment Trend graph represent the peak enrollment for that specific month or year, counting every student that was enrolled for at least one day during that time period. Since the Ongoing Enrollment graph displays the enrollment for a specific date, this may cause the two graphs to occasionally appear incongruous.
- The year dropdown defaults to the current year, and the enrollment data as of the current day. To view enrollment data for other time periods, select the dropdown and choose the desired option. Data can be viewed for up to the last five years, if historical enrollment data is available for that time period.
- Select the Pin to Collection icon to pin the current graph to a new or existing collection.
- Select the 3-dot menu to generate a printable PDF or download an image of the current graph, or to download a CSV file of the depicted data.
If no students were enrolled for the selected time period, no graph and no data will appear within the visualization. Select a time period when students were enrolled to populate a visualization.
View By Tabs
The different view tabs can be used to view and compare enrollment data in different ways. The tabs available to users are dependent upon the user's role and permissions.
Select the Overall tab to view all of the enrollment data available, dependent on the user's permissions. District users will see enrollment data for the district as a whole. This is the default selected view.
By School
Select the By School tab to view enrollment data for each school site in the district. In this view, users will see enrollment data only for the schools that they have the permissions to view.
By Grade Level
Select the By Grade Level tab to view enrollment data for each grade level in the district. In this view, users will see enrollment data only for the grade levels that they have the permissions to view.
By Demographic
Select the By Demographic tab to view enrollment data for each demographic category. In this view, users will see enrollment data only for the students and demographic categories that they have the permissions to view. Select the dropdown to view Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Meal Status, Disability, or ELP Level demographics data.
By School Group
Select the By School Group tab to view enrollment data for different School Groups. School Groups are custom created by districts to meet individualized needs for sorting and viewing data.
If School Groups have not yet been set up for the district, the By School Group tab will display with the above message. Users with the permissions to set up School Groups in the System Configuration will see the option to Set Up School Groups.
The different Filters can be used in tandem with the view tabs to narrow down the enrollment data that appears in the visualizations. By default, no filters are enabled, unless a default school has been configured via user preferences. Available filters and filter options are dependent on the user's role and permissions.
- Select a filter type to begin adding filters.
- Use the Search bar to quickly find an item in the filter list.
- Select and deselect the desired filter checkboxes to add and remove filters.
- Select Apply to apply the filter changes to the visualization.
- Select Clear to remove all selected filters from the currently selected filter list.
- Select More Filters to view Custom Demographics filtering options.
- Custom Demographics are set up by each individual district, and are subject to the user's permissions. To learn more, take a look at the All Things Demographics manual.
- Selected filters will display in grey bubbles underneath the filter dropdown menus. Select the X next to any applied filter to remove that individual filter.
- Select Clear Filters to remove all applied filters.
- With the currently selected filters and view, the Enrollment visualizations are displaying enrollment numbers of female Black or African American first graders attending schools 7, 10, or 11, with the comparison between the enrollment numbers at each school being highlighted.
Next Steps
To learn more about other features on the eduCLIMBER Launchpad page, take a look at the other articles in the Launchpad Features section.