The Measures tab on the Intervention Details page allows users to add new measures to an Intervention Group, and to edit or delete existing measures in bulk, or by individual student and measure. This lesson walks through how to access the Measures tab, and the different editing features offered.
Where to Start
- On the Launchpad, under the Intervention Tools widget, select View My Interventions.
- The Year dropdown defaults to the current academic year. Select the desired Year, if different than the current year.
- The Interventionist dropdown defaults to the current user. Select the Interventionist, if different than the current user.
- Select the desired Intervention Group.
- Select the intervention name on the left-hand panel to view the Intervention Details.
- Select the Measures tab.
- A table displaying all of the measures and associated data linked to the intervention displays.
- To alter the Measure Records table setup, select the Settings gear icon.
- Select and drag the 6-dot icon next to any column to reorder the columns.
- Use the toggles to hide or display any column.
- Select the desired Display Density to alter the size and density of the table cells.
Add New Measure
- To add a new measure to the intervention, select + Add New Measure.
- Select the checkboxes next to the students linked to the intervention to include in the new measure.
- Select Next.
- Enter the user who should be the Monitoring User. This will display as the Primary Interventionist by default, but can be changed to another user.
- Select the probe or Monitoring Type. These are progress monitoring probes configured within Assessments.
- Determine if this measure will be the Primary measure. If selected, this is the measure that will be used in ROI reporting.
- Select the Start and End Date for the measure monitoring.
- Select the Start and End Time of when the measure will be monitored.
- Set the number of weeks that will occur between each monitoring session. The example above indicates that monitoring will occur every two weeks.
- Set the Day(s) of the week the measure will be monitored.
- For each student linked to the intervention, enter a Goal.
- (Optional) For each student linked to the intervention, enter a Grade.
- The Grade is not necessarily the grade level of the student, but is the grade level of the progress monitoring measure.
- The Grade entered here will appear on the measure in Progress Monitoring.
- Once complete, select Add.
Bulk Measure Actions
- To complete bulk Measure actions, select the checkboxes next to the Measure Record rows to make changes to.
- A blue action bar appears. To set the selected measures as primary, select Set as Primary.
- A confirmation message appears, indicating that measures set as primary will be used for all ROI reports. Select Cancel to cancel the action; select Yes, Set as Primary Measure to continue.
- Select Edit Details to alter different aspects of the selected measure records.
5. Monitoring User
Select Monitoring User to edit the monitoring user. Select the desired user, and select Apply Changes.
6. Monitoring Type
Select Monitoring Type to edit the monitoring type. Select the desired type, and select Apply Changes.
7. Start & End Dates
Select Start & End Dates to edit the measure dates. Select the desired start and end date, and select Apply Changes.
8. Frequency & Time
Select Frequency & Times to edit the start and end time, frequency, and days of the week. Select the desired times and frequency, and select Apply Changes.
9. Goals & Grades
Select Goals & Grades to edit the accuracy goal and grade level of the measure. Select the desired goal and grade, and select Apply Changes.
- Once any changes have been applied, a confirmation message will appear that the changes have been saved.
- Select Cancel to make no edits, and deselect all checkboxes.
- Select Delete to delete the selected measure records.
- The deletion confirmation popup window will appear. Select Cancel to keep the selected records; select Remove Measures for # Students to continue with deletion.
Deleting measure records is a permanent change, and, once completed, cannot be undone. If a primary measure is deleted, the student's ROI reports will be affected, and any previously entered scores will be permanently deleted. Ensure that the correct records are selected and that deletion is necessary before continuing with deletion.
- Once records have been deleted, a confirmation message appears.
Individual Measure Actions
- To edit a single measure for a single student, select the 3-dot icon to the right of the desired record row.
- To make edits to the measure, select Edit Measure.
- The Edit Measure popup window appears. Make edits as desired to the Monitoring User, Monitoring Type, Start & End Dates, Frequency & Times, and/or Goals & Grades.
- Select Apply Changes.
- Select Set as Primary to set the selected measure as primary, and use that measure for all ROI reports.
- Select Delete Measure to delete the selected record.
Deleting measure records is a permanent change, and, once completed, cannot be undone. If a primary measure is deleted, the student's ROI reports will be affected, and any previously entered scores will be permanently deleted. Ensure that the correct records are selected and that deletion is necessary before continuing with deletion.
Next Steps
To learn more about Academic Interventions, take a look at the other articles in the Interventions Monitored by Assessment manual.