Prebuilt Enrollment Data Visualizations
The Enrollment tab has been added to the Visualizations widget on the eduCLIMBER Launchpad page. The widget view provides users with a general visualization of current enrollment and enrollment trends. Selecting Explore opens further enrollment visualizations, with customizable filters and views.
The Ongoing Enrollment visualization displays bar charts depicting the enrollment numbers for the selected date. The Enrollment Trend visualization displays line graphs of peak enrollment over the last one year, up to enrollment over the last five years, if historical enrollment data is available. Data for both graphs can be viewed Overall, or by School, Grade Level, Demographic, or School Group, and can also be further filtered by one or more Schools, Grade Levels, Ethnicities, Genders, and Custom Demographics. The available enrollment data, view tabs, and filters are dependent upon each user's role and permissions.
To learn more, take a look at Enrollment Data Visualizations.