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This lesson is to get you logged into eduCLIMBER without needing to always remember your district ID number.
Before You Get Started
You will need to know your eduCLIMBER District ID number that was provided to your district when you setup your eduCLIMBER system.
If Using Google to Login
- Click this link to be taken to the eduCLIMBER homescreen
- Replace 0000 (at the end of the link) with your 4-digit District ID and click Enter
- Now you can bookmark this and never have to worry about remembering your District ID
If Not Using Google to Login
- Click this link: to be taken to the eduCLIMBER homescreen
- Replace 0000 (at the end of the link) with your 4-digit District ID and click Enter
- Now you can bookmark this and never have to worry about remembering your District ID
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how to login and save your district ID number, take a look at Learning Basic Navigation of eduCLIMBER