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This lesson will guide you through customizing incident templates in your eduCLIMBER system.
Required Permission: Manage PBIS Setup
Where to Start
1. Click on Manage.
2. Select Configuration.
3. Double click Incidents.
4. The left side menu will show you your options to customize the incident template. Click on each title to adjust your settings.
1. General Setup
- Click General Setup to start editing your template.
- Set the motivation name as it appears on your incident template. By default it is set to "Perceived Motivation."
- Set the number of behaviors that can be created/entered on each incident.
- Set the number of responses that can be created/entered on each incident.
2. Incident Types
- Click once on Incident Types to identify the incident types you want in your system.
- Click New to create a new incident type.
- Type the new incident in this field box.
- Click Update to apply the changes you made and then click the green Save button.
- If this box is checked, only people with a permission can create this incident type.
- If this box is checked, incidents will be open by default (they will be sent to an “Open Windows” section on administrators dashboards).
- If this box is checked, all descriptions for this incident type will be hidden to staff members - individuals with a permission to view restricted incident descriptions will be able to see the descriptions.
- If this box is checked, incidents will appear on your weekly view dashboard automatically and will show by default under the incident button (located on the dashboard).
- If this box is checked, an automatic email will send to a specific individual(s) containing all details of the incident when it is saved.
- Click the school icon to set specific schools that have access to this incident type (if no schools are specified, all schools in the district have access).
3. Custom Fields
1. Click the plus (+) icon to create custom fields for specific incident types. For example, any time a “Major” is created, show custom fields of “Victim,” “Bystander,” etc.
- Click New to create a new custom field.
- Type the label of the custom field here.
- Click the down arrow to choose the field type.
- Checking this box will make this custom field required in order to save the incident.
- eduCLIMBER will chart the results of entered data when this box is checked (we do not recommend checking this box for text fields).
- Change the order of the custom fields by numbering them.
- Click Update to apply your changes and then click the green Save button.
- When a List Field is selected, the right side of the menu will become active giving you access to customize list options that appear on your template.
- Click New to create a new item in the list.
- Type the item in this box.
- Click Update to apply your changes and then click the green Save button.
4. Incident Behaviors
- Double click Incident Types to see your list of types from the previous section.
- Select the Incident Type of which you want to add behaviors.
- Click New to create a new behavior.
- Type the name of the behavior in this box.
- Click Update and then click the green Save button.
5. Behavior Details
- Click on any behavior to add details.
- Click the plus (+) icon to add individual behavior detail options for the selected behavior.
- Click the Save icon to save your changes.
- Type the name of the detail in this box. This is the title that will appear as the descriptor.
- Use Rank to order the detail options.
6. Locations
- Click Locations to edit the location part of the incident template.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
- Click the New button to add a new location to the template.
7. Motivations
- Click Perceived Motivations to edit the motivations part of the incident template.
- Click the New button to add a new motivation to the template.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
8. Responses
- Click Responses to edit the responses part of the incident template.
- Click the New button to add a new response to the template.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
- Click the filter icon to limit responses to specific behaviors.
- Click the gear icon to add custom items to that response.
- Click the school icon to set specific schools that have access to this response (if no schools are specified, all schools in the district have access to the response).
- If this “Admin Only” box is checked, you will need the permission of “Admin Only Incident Responses” to see these responses in the template.
- Selecting “Can Serve” will place a start and end date with the response when it is selected (useful for responses of detention and suspension).
- If “Active” is selected, this will be an active response to choose when creating an incident.
Next Steps
To learn more about using Incidents in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Incidents manual.