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This lesson will guide you through adding users to the notification section of a behavior incident in your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
1. Incidents can be created from your dashboard. Click Create.
2. Select the word Incident to generate the incident form.
3. Once you add a student to the incident, the incident will become active for you to type. Complete the incident as desired.
4. To send an email to users of the incident, click Notify Assigned Staff located under the Incident Date field. Upon checking this, a list of staff members assigned to that student will populate.
5. Click the staff members’ names who you would like notified of this incident (the notification is an email).
6. Once you check their names by clicking the box to the left of the names, click the green Add button.
7. You will see these individual names appear in the “Notify User(s)” field. You can add additional staff members by clicking into that field and typing the names of the additional staff members to notify.
Next Steps
To learn more about using Incidents in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Incidents manual.