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In this lesson, you will learn how to assign behavior intervention templates to a student(s).
- Now that you have created a behavior intervention template, you can assign it to students by going to your dashboard.
- Click “Create”.
- Click "Intervention”.
- Click “Behavior”.
- Enter a student name by typing the first three letters of the first or last name and choosing that student from the dropdown list.
- Click “Add” to add the selected student to the intervention.
A prompt will ask if you want to add another student. It is strongly recommended that if you are creating individual plans for students (i.e. CICO,individualized CICO, IEP, etc.), that you click “No” in this step. This will allow you to customize the intervention for each student. However, if you are creating a group behavior intervention, you can select “Yes” and continue adding all students who will be participating in the group intervention.
- If you selected the wrong student, you can click the red “x” to remove that student name (click the person+ icon in the upper left corner to attach a different student).
- If you plan to use the intervention app (students can access their point sheet on a mobile device, Chromebook, laptop, etc.), click the mobile icon to create a username and password the student will use to login (you can skip this step if you are not using the mobile login feature).
- Click “Next” to go to the nextpage of the setup.
- Choose a name for the intervention - this will be displayed on the student page.
- Choose the level of the intervention.
- Choose the intervention type (this is the template you want to use - you must have the template created prior to adding a student to the intervention).
- Choose the interventionist.
- Set the schedule of the intervention.
- Click “Next” to continue to the final page of setup.
- If your periods are not required, you can choose them in the order they happen for the student (the order you select the periods willshow on the “Schedule” view)
- If the expectations were not required, you can choose them for the student by clicking the box to the left of the expectation. If your expectations are required, they will appear in the “Schedule” view
- If there is an expectation that does not apply for a particular period, click on that period from the horizontal period view and choose “No Score” for the expectation that will not be scored for that period.
- Click “Save” to save this intervention.
Now that you've learned how to assign behavior intervention templates to a student(s), take a look at Entering Behavior Intervention Scores as the Interventionist.