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This lesson will guide you through creating a target set in your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
1. Click Manage.
2. Click Targets.
3. Click the (+) icon to create a new Target Set.
1. Select the Test Type (ie MAP, AIMSweb, STAR, etc.).
2. Enter a unique name in the Target Set Name field.
3. Click Next in the lower right corner.
4. Select Score Details* or Primary Score.
*If you selected Score Details, choose the desired Score Detail Type. These details are available from scores entered or imported from the file available from the vendor.
If you’d like to have math contain one score range and reading contain a completely separate score range, then select those tests. However, if the score range does not differ based on focus test, do not select any focus tests.
Example: If you’d like variable targeting, you must select all focus tests to indicate a different score range will be applied based on test:
- 45%ile and below for math to be ‘Red’
- 65%ile and below for reading to be ‘Red’
If you’d like to have one testing window to contain one score range and another testing window to contain a completely separate score range, then select those windows. However, if the score range does not differ based on window, do not select any windows.
Example: If you’d like variable targeting, you must select all windows to indicate a different score range will be applied based on those windows:
- 45%ile and below in fall to be ‘Red’
- 55%ile and below in winter to be ‘Red’
- 65%ile and below in spring to be ‘Red’
If you’d like to have one grade level to contain one score range and another grade level to contain a completely separate score range, then select those grades. However, if the score range does not differ based on grade, do not select any windows.
Example: If you’d like variable targeting, you must select all grades to indicate a different score range will be applied based on those grade levels:
- 45%ile and below in 1st grade to be ‘Red’
- 55%ile and below in 2nd grade to be ‘Red’
- 65%ile and below in 3rd grade to be ‘Red’
All Target Sets must contain at least two benchmark criteria and at least two detailed+data wall criteria. These are defined under the Type column.
Target names and colors can be changed by clicking those cells. Target names and colors can be defined by your district and changed at any time.
Sample Benchmark Charts (1) and Detailed Charts (2) are listed above.
Next Steps
To learn more about Target Sets in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Target Sets manual.