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This lesson will guide you through defining and adjusting score ranges in target sets within your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
1. Select the newly created Target Set in the left menu.
2. Click Search to the far right. This will populate your target criteria on the Score Ranges tab.
3. Define the score range for the Min Score column by clicking into the cell and typing a score. The Min Score column will be the minimum score for that criteria (>=). The lowest score for your benchmark view and the detailed+data wall view should be equal.
4. As you update scores in the Min Score column, the End Score column will automatically update. Be sure to complete the final End Scores for both the benchmark view and the detailed+data wall view. The End Score will be one point higher than the score included in the band. In the example above, the Band "Low Average" shows 33-50. In eduCLIMBER, this means everything that is 33 to 49 is included in the band, but 50 is not in the band because the End Score identifies less than. In this case, "Low Average" shows less than 50, and will exclude 50.
This means that the End Score of the highest performance band should be one more than the top score, so the top score is not excluded.
5. To Change the colors, select "Targets and Colors":
6. Double-click the color you want to change and use the drop-down and color wheel to select a new color:
Some default colors have been selected and appear at the bottom of the color wheel. Colors cannot be saved as 'Favorites" at to bottom of the color wheel to use elsewhere, but the color code is available can can be copied/pasted into other target sets:
Next Steps
To learn more about Target Sets in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Target Sets manual.