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This lesson will guide you through uploading ACT data to your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
The ACT exam is still paper-pencil for WI state testing. However, ACT sends a disk with a copy of the data in a .txt file that you can upload to eduCLIMBER. You will need access to:
1. The disk/file sent to your district.
2. The password they email to your test coordinator to access that disk.
3. A window’s machine.
4. A good eye for detail.
All of the information for extracting these files was emailed to the ACT test coordinator. Find that person, work with them on this one. If that’s you - find that email and get to where you can read the files on the disc. You’re looking for the .txt data file. It’s going to have a REALLY long file name, but it looks something like “DY2017...D_S_ACT-Data<School Name>_some numbers.txt.
That’s the file that you need for uploading into eduCLIMBER. Follow the steps for uploading in eduCLIMBER mentioned above, and choose ACT 16-17 TXT Import for Upload type.
Next Steps
To learn more about using assessments in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Assessments manual.