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In this lesson, you will learn when and how to validate your eduCLIMBER data. Users should validate files whenever eduCLIMBER has a question about how to handle a particular record coming in an upload. Data validations require that records be matched to an existing record or create an entirely new record in eduCLIMBER.
Remember! If you aren’t sure if you should create a new record or match a record it is always easier to merge two records later than it is to separate two records.
How to Check if Files Need To be Validated.
After logging into eduCLIMBER, click the Manage menu option.
This bring up the Uploads page. A list of files that are being uploaded to eduCLIMBER will appear. Any file highlighted in yellow requires validation.
Double clicking on a row that requires validation will open the file validation page.
Validating Files
The data that needs to be validated will depend on the type of file being imported. The validation tool will outline exactly which records need attention. After double clicking on the file, the validation window will show all the areas that need attention on left side of the window.
Click on an area to review (like Assessments) and you'll see a list of records.
Here, match the record to an existing record or create a new record. After reviewing all of the flagged records, save your choices by clicking the green Save button.
When all of the records have been reviewed and the validation choices saved, click the Set Ready button to let eduCLIMBER know that the file is ready to be imported.
Next Steps
Now that you've had a basic overview of eduCLIMBER data validation, see the other documents in this chapter for specific instructions on Assessment, Attendance, and Behavior validations.