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In this lesson, you will learn to create a create a custom course for any individual in your district. A custom course will allow you to group any students together in a cohort and view that rostered class on the My Class tab.
You will need the permission Create Custom Courses.
Where to Start
- Click Manage.
- Click Configuration.
- Click Advanced.
- Click Courses.
- Click + Create Course.
Add Students to New Course
A pop-up will to define the individuals who will be assigned to the course will appear, along with the option to add students to the course.
- Identify the school year the rostered class should appear in.
- Identify the user who will be responsible for the roster.
- Type a new class name. A pop-up will appear asking to confirm the new course that was created - click Yes.
- Add a period for the course (or type any number/phrase if there is no specific period they meet).
- Choose a Grade Level.
- Select the students to add to the course.
- Click the << button to move the selected students to the rostered class.
- Click Save.
Add Students to Existing Course
Access to any created course, to add students to a course, is available at any time.
- Identify the school year the course resides.
- Select the individual who is assigned to the roster/course.
- Select the course.
- Select the period.
- Click Search.
- Select the Grade Level.
- Find students by name by typing the name in the search field.
- To add students, select the student(s) name(s).
- Click the << button to add the selected students to the course.
- Click Save
Access to any created course, to remove students from a course, is available at any time.
- Access the created course and click the red X next to any student name to remove that student(s).
- Click Save.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned how to create custom courses, learn more about eduCLIMBER.