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In this lesson, you'll learn how to validate your behavior data for eduCLIMBER. When importing behavior data into eduCLIMBER, some of the records may need to be validated. The most common validations for assessment data are schools, users, locations, responses, and behaviors.

If the import tool does not recognize a student contained in one of the records, validate the student. The validation tool displays the records that need attention.There are two option whens validating student records: match to an existing student record or create a new student record. Each row is highlighted in green, yellow, or white.
Green background: Match to an existing student record
- A student record with a green background indicates that the validation tool doesn’t recognize the student, but has found an existing record that appears to match the incoming record. If the incoming student record matches the selected existing student record, check the Match checkbox. Otherwise, create a new student record by checking the New checkbox. Once all changes are completed, remember to select Save.
Yellow background: Potential match to an existing student record
- A student record with a yellow background indicates that the validation tool doesn’t recognize the student, but has found an existing student record that is a potential match. Review the potential match and determine whether or not the existing student record matches the incoming record or if a new student record should be added to eduCLIMBER. Use the same process explained above; if the student record is a match, select the Match checkbox but if the student record should be new, select the New checkbox.
White background: student not located in import file
- A student record with a white background indicates that the validation tool couldn’t find a student with the exact name listed in the import file. This doesn’t mean that the student doesn’t exist, it just means that the validation tool could not find a match for the student. In these circumstances, the following steps will help verify if it is an existing student or a new student record.
- Check to see if the student exists in eduCLIMBER by clicking the View Matched icon and searching for the student.
- Search by name of ID number to see if the student exists. If there is a match, click the Use Student button. If there is not a match for the student, exit out of the student search screen and create a new student.
If the validation tool doesn’t recognize a school in the upload file, tell eduCLIMBER how to handle the school. There are four options for validating schools: create, alias, exclude, and ignore.
Create the school
- This will add a new school in eduCLIMBER.
Set an Alias for the school
- Alias matches the school named in the upload file to an existing school in eduCLIMBER. For example, an elementary is named Climberville Elementary but the assessment file lists the school as eduCLIMBER Elementary. Create an alias so that any time eduCLIMBER sees eduCLIMBER Elementary it is automatically associated with Climberville Elementary.
Exclude the school
- Exclude allows the system to completely ignore the record and all associated data. The data associated with the school record will not be imported into eduCLIMBER.
Ignore the school
- Ignore allows the system to ignore the building that the student is in but still import all assessment data. The assessment data will be tied to the student and and buildings they may be rostered to through other data imports.
If the validation tool does not recognize a user in the behavior upload, validate the user. Users will either be matched to an existing user account or created as new users.
Match the user to an existing account:
- To match the incoming user record to an existing user account, click on the Match User column and search for an existing account. After selecting an existing user account, check the Match checkbox and then click Save.
Add new user:
- If the user does not already exist in eduCLIMBER, check the New checkbox, and then click Save. A new user will be created when the import runs.
If the validation tool does not recognize a location in the behavior upload, validate the location. Locations will either be assigned as an existing location or created as a new location.
Assign as existing location:
- If the location in the file is similar to an existing location, assign the incoming location as an existing location. For example, the incoming file has a location named Outside of School and there is an existing location named Off School Grounds. Since these two locations are similar, assign Outside of School as Off School Grounds. After selecting an existing location, click the Save button.
Create new location:
- If the location does not already exist in eduCLIMBER, check the New checkbox, and then click Save. A new location will be created when the import runs.
If the validation tool does not recognize a response in the behavior upload, validate the response. Responses will either be assigned as an existing response or created as a new response.
Assign as existing response:
- If the response in the file is similar to an existing response, assign the incoming response as an existing response. For example, the incoming file has a response named Conference/Parent and there is an existing response named Conference with Parent. Since these two responses are similar, assign Conference/Parent as Conference with Parent. After selecting an existing response click the Save button.
Create New Response:
- If the response does not already exist in eduCLIMBER, check the New checkbox, and then click Save. A new response will be created when the import runs.
If the validation tool does not recognize a behavior in the behavior upload, validate the behavior. Behaviors will either be assigned as an existing behavior or created as a new behavior.
Note on Parent Name: Parent Name is used to classify behaviors as Major or Minor incidents. Usually the behavior file will specify the severity level. However, if it does not, select a Parent Name (Major or Minor) before assigning the behavior as an existing behavior or create a new behavior.
Assign as existing behavior:
- If the behavior in the file is similar to an existing behavior, assign the incoming behavior as an existing behavior. For example, the incoming file has a behavior named Fighting and there is an existing behavior named Fight. Since these two behaviors are similar, assign Fighting as Fight. After selecting an existing behavior, click the Save button.
Create new behavior:
- If the behavior does not already exist in eduCLIMBER, check the New checkbox, and then click Save. A new behavior will be created when the import runs.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned how to validate your behavior import data, check out the other documents in this chapter: Assessment Validations and Attendance Validations.