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This lesson will guide you through creating a new threshold group in your eduCLIMBER system.
Required Permission: Manage Threshold Records
Where to Start
1. To begin accessing Thresholds, click the Manage icon, then the Thresholds tab. Individuals with the permission to Manage Threshold Records will see this icon.
2. To begin creating a new threshold grouping, click Create.
1. Provide your threshold name - this should identify the overall threshold and the purpose of it.
2. Provide a start date by clicking the - the start date is the start of when this threshold will start looking at data.
3. Optional: Choose an end date for your threshold - if an end date is identified, the threshold will stop running on that date. If no end date it entered, the threshold can be used for current and future years.
4. Turn weighting on if one metric of the threshold will be more important than another. Weighting values will be assigned when creating the metrics of the threshold.
5. Display on Student Page if the inclusion of a student in this threshold should be displayed for all users with access to the student.
6. Clear Pervious Results if the threshold results list should constantly update and remove any student who no longer meets the thresholds conditions.
7. Set a Run Time for the threshold. This tells the system when to check for new students who will trigger the threshold.
8. Set Run Days. This tells the system when to check for new students who will trigger the threshold.
1. To begin setting up your threshold, ensure it is selected in the left side menu and is highlighted.
2. Click Edit to begin adding a new threshold.
3. Click Edit again to add a new threshold to your group.
Next Steps
To learn more about Thresholds in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Thresholds manual.