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In this lesson, you will learn to create folders of smartFORMS and batch print all forms within that folder.
Where to Start
- Open My Forms on your dashboard and click New Folder.
- You will be brought to a screen to provide your folder with a name. Name the folder and click Save.
Adding Forms to a Folder
The folder that was just added will be displayed along with a folder icon. Now that the folder is created, click and drag any smartFORMS (with the paper icon) to that folder.
Running a Batch Print on a Folder of smartFORMS
With one or multiple forms in a folder, click the PDF icon to run a batch print on that folder.
- To select all forms in the folder to print, select the box above all smartFORMS to indicate you want all selected. You can also choose to print individually selected forms.
- One you have the forms selected, click the green Start Batch button.
The batch print will run in the background. A message will appear letting you know that the file has started to run.
As the file is processing, you can continue to navigate eduCLIMBER as you would like.
When the file is ready, a message will appear. Click OK to have the file download to your computer.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned how to batch print smartFORMS, learn more about smartFORMS in our smartFORMS manual.