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This lesson provides details on attendance calculations within your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
For attendance we calculate two different numbers for each student depending on the SiS.
Days Equivalent (IC only)
This is a number provided by the SiS for every day where there is some time missed. It is reported to us as either a half-day or a full day. Using the total possible attendance days (outlined below) we are able to come up with a Days Equivalent Percent which tells you what percent of possible days did the student attend class based on the "days equivalent" number. (possible days - equivalent days / possible days)
Days Affected (IC and Skyward)
This is a number calculated by eduCLIMBER that reports the total number of days that had at least one type of attendance event, either an absence or a tardy, regardless of if it was excused or unexcused. The Days Affected Percentage is then the percentage of possible attendance days (outlined below) where the student did not miss any instructional time for the day. (possible days - affected days / possible days)
Possible Attendance Days
This is a number calculated by eduCLIMBER using the start and end date specifying when the student was in the district for a given year, which is either explicitly provided by the SiS (IC) or calculated by keeping track of the earliest start date and latest end date of a student's enrollment in a course (Skyward). We then count the weekdays between those dates, removing the days that have been manually entered into eduCLIMBER as "School Days Off", to come up with a total number of days where we assume the student should have attended.
These numbers can be viewed for each student on the data wall.
You can also click the “?” icon located in the upper right corner in any attendance chart to get a detailed description of the breakdowns.
Next Steps
If you would like to learn more about eduCLIMBER, see other lessons within the General manual.