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This lesson will guide you through adding student tags from the data wall in your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start

1. Access a data wall from the Grade or My Class tabs on the top of your dashboard.

2. Check the box to the left of the names you would like added to a tag.

3. Click the Student Tag button in the grey left hand Action Menu.

4. Give the tag a unique name or select a pre-existing public tag name.
- Tag: The tag to apply to the student
- Color: The color you’d like the tag to be
- Viewable to Others: If left unchecked, this tag will only show up under your account

5. Click the green Apply Tag button to apply the tag.

6. The tags are now applied!
Note: Tags are applied per year. A tag applied in 16-17 will not show up in searches for 15-16 data!
Next Steps
To learn more about Tags in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Tags manual.