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This lesson will guide you through creating a goal in the Student Portal of your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
1. To begin creating a goal, click Academics in the left white action menu.
2. Select the category of assessments to view.
3. Choose the assessment to create a goal.
4. Click Create Goal on the right to create a goal for the selected assessment.
Select/Create a Goal
1. Choose the assessment window when the goal will be achieved.
2. Options will be located below the assessment window that correlate to your district’s data - students can choose to create a recommended goal or they can create a custom goal by scrolling to the bottom of this goal page.
3. After choosing a goal, the next window will automatically appear,
Select Teacher Check-In
1. The student will select the teacher of which he/she will check-in.
2. Click Add Date to add the dates of check-in (multiple dates can be added).
3. Click Next to continue.
Select Check-In Procedure
1. The student will select one or multiple check-in procedures by clicking on the individual procedure.
2. Click Create to have this goal created in the student’s account.
Next Steps
To learn more about using the Parent and Student Portal in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Parent & Student Portal manual.