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This lesson will guide you through creating profile questions for students to answer in your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
1. To begin creating profile questions for students to answer, click Manage.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Double click Parent & Student Portal in the left action menu.
4. Click Profile Questions.
5. Click New Profile to create a new profile for questions.
1. Name your profile.
2. Select the schools(s) of which this profile set of questions will belong.
3.Select the grade(s) of which these questions will apply (Note: leaving the grade field blank will make these questions apply to all grade levels in the school(s) selected).
4. Click the green Save button.
1. Click Add Group to create a group name and then click Apply - this group will hold questions you create.
Note: You can create multiple groups for a single profile. For example, you can create a group with beginning-of-the-year questions. You can create another group of questions relating to how students feel at school. The groups of questions you create will apply to the school(s) and grade(s) you specified previously.
1. The group name you create will appear - click this to start adding questions to your group.
2. Click Add Question to be taken to the page to add an individual question to your created group.
3. Type your question in the Question field box.
4. Select the type of question you want to create.
5. If creating a "List Field" question, you can build your list of options by clicking Add Option - if “List Field” is not selected as the Question Type, this does not apply.
6. Click the green Apply button to apply your question to the group of questions.
7. Click Group 1 Questions to go back to your group and continue adding more questions.
Next Steps
To learn more about using the Parent and Student Portal in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Parent & Student Portal manual.