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In this lesson, you will learn how to create a Behavior Intervention using a template.
- Click “Manage”.
- Select “Configuration”.
- With the permission to “Manage Intervention Configuration,” you will see “Interventions” in the left menu - double click that or click the arrow to the left of the word “Interventions”.
- Double click “Behavior”.
- Select "Intervention Strategy".
- Click “New” to begin creating a new template.
- Provide the name of the strategy.
- Provide the description.
- Click “Update”.
- Click “Save”.
11. Begin assigning expectations to templates by clicking the gear icon.
You can attach “directions” for the intervention by clicking the paperclip icon.
12. The first page of your setup will prompt you to attach behavior expectations. Click the “Attach Expectation” button to begin attaching your first expectation to the template.
13. Begin attaching expectations by typing the name of the expectation in the “Expectation” field or by clicking the dropdown arrow. Once added, you can then select that expectation in the “Expectation” field.
If the name of the expectation is not in the dropdown list, you will need to click “Add/Update Expectation” to add that expectation to the dropdown list.
14. Assign a minimum score for the expectation.
15. Assign a maximum score for the expectation.
16. Enforce range (optional) will lock scores between the numbers you set for minimum and maximum .
Enforcing the range is strongly recommended to remain checked for all expectations you create.
17. If the expectation will be required for all students accessing this intervention template, check the “Required” box (leave this box unchecked if creating an individualized template that multiple students will access).
18. Choose to have this expectation averaged in a goal line (leave checked) or choose to have this expectation become a bar graph (leave unchecked) .
Bar graphs display a count of the number of times a behavior occurred.
19. Check the “Active” box if this expectation should remain active as a selection on your template.
20. Check “Apply” to apply this expectation to your template.
21. All attached expectations will appear in the left side column.
22. Click “Attach Expectation” to continue adding expectations to your template.
23. Complete the expectation information (directions on previous slide) for each additional expectation and click “Apply” to apply the expectation to the template.
24. All applied expectations will appear in the left side column.
25. Click “Periods” to continue to the next step of the setup.
26. Click “Attach Periods” to attach periods to the template (all periods currently existing for your templates will appear on this list).
27. If you do not see periods you need, click “Add/Update Periods” to add periods to your list - then click “Attach Periods” to attach those newly created periods to your template.
28. All selected periods will appear on the “Periods” page of your setup.
By default, periods are not selected as “Required” so that you can choose the periods in the order they occur for each student. If there is a set list (i.e. 1st period, 2nd period, etc.), mark them as required and ensure the “Rank” column is accurate to your selections. The “Rank” column is how they will appear in that order upon creating the intervention.
29. Click “Procedures” to go to the next step of your template setup once all periods are attached.
30. The “Procedures” page of your template setup is not required to save your templates. However, if you would like to attach procedures, click the “Attach Procedures” button.
31. Add the name of the procedure and provide a description. You can continue attaching procedures by clicking “Attach Procedure” at the top.
32. Once all procedures for the intervention are created, click “smartFORMS” to go to the final page of the template setup.
33. The “smartFORMS” page of your template setup is not required to save your templates. However, if you would like to attach smartFORMS, click the “Attach smartFORM” button.
34. Select the smartFORM from your system to attach to the intervention.
35. Click the “x” in the upper right corner to close the intervention setup creator - all information will be saved.
*NOTE: You will need to have the smartFORM already created in your system prior to attaching it to a behavior intervention template.
Now that you've learned how to create a Behavior Intervention, take a look at how to Assign a Behavior Intervention.