In this lesson, learn what pieces of information can be combined on charts and how they behave when selected. Additionally, learn the function of each of the advanced filters.
Where to Start
Run a search using the District, Grade, or Class tab.
Combine Feature
- When searching data on the “District,” “Grade,” and “My Class” tabs, click the Filters button to get a list of information you can combine and uncombine. (shaded background: combine; White background: un-combine)
- Choose to combine/un-combine as much information as you would like:
- School - combines all schools in your district to show all students in one school
- Grade - combines all grade levels to show all students in one group
- Ethnicity - combines all ethnicities together
- Gender - combines all genders together
- Select Apply to combine or uncombine groups on the chart.
- Select Search to refresh the charts.
All students are grouped together by ethnicity and gender by default. By unselecting “Gender” in the Filters button, I can see my data separated by males vs. females.
Advanced Filters
Use the drop downs to apply additional filters.
- Select the category dropdown to view available filters. Categories include:
- Assessments - filter based on assessment windows
- Demographics - filter on any demographic data tied to students, including but not limited to Ethnicity, Tags, Gender, and more.
- Intervention Status - filter for students based on Intervention Level or Exit Status
- Active Students - filter on if students are inactive or active, or a specific date enrollment date range
- Enable any needed filters based on the category. Multiple filters can be applied at once.
- Select Apply to apply the filters.
- Select Search to update the charts.
Once data is filtered, all drilled-down data will also be filtered. For example, filter an initial search by a specific demographic, and the student list, effective, and sub skill data is reflective of that student group.
Next Steps
To learn more about searches, visit District, Grade, and Class Tabs.