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In this lesson, you will learn to create a custom course for any individual in your district. A custom course will allow you to group any students together in a cohort and view that rostered class on the My Class tab.
You will need the permission Create Custom Courses.
Where to Start
1. Click System Configuration.
2. Click District & Schools.
3. Click Courses.
Add Students to New Course
2. Identify the school year you want the rostered class appearing.
3. Enter a unique course name
4. Add a period for the course (or type any number/phrase if there is no specific period they meet).
5. Select the users you want the course tied to
6. Select the students you want added to the course.
7. Click Save.
Add/Delete Students to/from Existing Course
Next Steps
Now that you've learned how to create custom courses, learn more about eduCLIMBER.