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This lesson will guide you through the different smartFORM Field Types as well as provide examples.
Standard Fields Standard Fields can be formatted to custom enter information on a form. |
Field Name | Field Type Description | Example |
Small Text Field |
A field to allow free form text entry
Checkbox Field |
A checkbox field to allow structured selection
General Description or Comment |
A field used to display general text on the form.
Number Field |
Numeric Field to display on forms
Large Text Area |
A large text area to enter long text responses
Date Field |
A date field to be used on forms
List Field |
A field that provides a list of selectable items
Web Link Field |
A field that allows a web link address to be included and displayed as either the web address or custom text. |
Special Fields Special Fields help format the smartFORM. They are invisible on the form. |
Field Name | Field Type Description | Example |
PDF Page Break |
Force a page break on a PDF print out
Spacer |
An invisible box that allows for more refined field layout
Form Status Code |
If this field is added to a form, then when completing the form instance the user will be able to select a status from this field (for example, completed) and the instance will change to that form status. |
Smart Fields Smart Fields auto-populate with data. |
Field Name | Field Type Description | Example |
Student Field |
Student Selection List
School Field |
School Selection List
Grade Field |
Grade Selection List
Intervention Type Field |
Intervention Type Selection List
Intervention Level Field |
Intervention Level Selection List
User Field |
User Selection List
Score Field |
Allows dynamically pulled in student scores
Intervention smartFIELD |
Allows dynamically pulling in student intervention details from existing interventions
Student Date of Birth |
Student Date of Birth
Student Age Field |
Age of student at time report was created
Progress Monitoring smartFIELD |
Allows dynamically pulling in student progress monitoring details
Intervention Decision Rationale |
A log of the decision rationale for the attached intervention
Journal Field |
A flexible journal field that allows student/staff based notes and replies
Smart Tag Field |
A smart field that pulls in student tags dynamically
School Year Field | Allows users to select a school year from a dropdown menu (the year does not default to the current year) | |
Home Language Field |
Field is pulled from the roster import layout and displays as a dropdown menu for users completing the form.
Student District ID Field |
Data for this field is pulled from the roster import layout via the “Student District ID” column and is auto-populated in smartFORMS.
Student ID smartFIELD |
The Student ID smartFIELD will automatically populate with the identified ID(s) as added to the template. Choose to display any or all of the following IDs:
Disability Code | The disability code field will automatically populate with the specific code(s) assigned to the student from the SIS so long as a student field is also added to the smartFORM. | |
Incident smartFIELD |
*Early Access Only The incident smartFIELD will automatically populate with incident detail data as configured on the field. Choose to add one or multiple incident types (i.e. major, minor, positive, etc.) as well as codes (i.e. disruption, technology violation, etc.). Additionally, choose the data that displays from the incidents including but not limited to the incident date, description, time, location, response, observer, and motivation. Incident data can be configured to populate for the current year, for all school years, or for a specific date range. Note that this field can only be added to a template in Early Access. Once added, the form template and any assigned form can only be edited in Early Access. If an assigned form is opened in Classic view, the form will display as a PDF since it cannot be edited in Classic view. |
EL Status |
*Early Access Only The EL Status smartFIELD will automatically populate with "Yes" or "No" based on the student's EL Status. This status is brought into eduCLIMBER from the Student Information System. While the status is pre-populated, users can update the field to the opposite status at any time. Note that this field can only be added to a template in Early Access. Once added, the form template and any assigned form can only be edited in Early Access. If an assigned form is opened in Classic view, the form will display as a PDF since it cannot be edited in Classic view. |
ELP Level |
*Early Access Only *DnA Organizations Only The ELP Level smartFIELD will automatically populate with the specific ELP Level as brought in from DnA (Data and Assessment). While the level is pre-populated, users can update the field to another level at any time. Note that this field can only be added to a template in Early Access. Once added, the form template and any assigned form can only be edited in Early Access. If an assigned form is opened in Classic view, the form will display as a PDF since it cannot be edited in Classic view.
Demographic smartFIELD |
*Early Access Only The Demographic smartFIELD will automatically populate with demographic data as configured within System Configuration > Students & Guardians > Demographics. For any demographic set to Show on smartFORM, those demographics will be available to display on a smartFORM. Choose to show a single demographic, or choose to show multiple. If multiple demographics are configured for the form, the demographics can be displayed individually or in a table view. Additionally, choose to have demographics for the current year, for a specific school year, or for all years. Note that if All Years is selected, all demographics identified for the field that apply for all school years display on the form.
This field will update with data after the form is assigned based on the configurations set on the field.
Note that this field can only be added to a template in Early Access. Once added, the form template and any assigned form can only be edited in Early Access. If an assigned form is opened in Classic view, the form will display as a PDF since it cannot be edited in Classic view. |
Guardian smartFIELD |
*Early Access Only The Guardian smartFIELD automatically populates with data uploaded via the Student Guardians importer or manually added by going to System Configuration > Students & Guardians > Guardians. Choose to show a single field type, or choose to show multiple. If multiple fields are desired for the form, the information can be displayed individually or in a table view.
Note that this field can only be added to a template in Early Access. Once added, the form template and any assigned form can only be edited in Early Access. If an assigned form is opened in Classic view, the form will display as a PDF since it cannot be edited in Classic view. |
Attendance smartFIELD |
*Early Access Only The Attendance smartFIELD automatically populates with uploaded data. Choose to show a single field type, or choose to show multiple. If multiple fields are desired for the form, the information can be displayed individually or in a table view.
Note that this field can only be added to a template in Early Access. Once added, the form template and any assigned form can only be edited in Early Access. If an assigned form is opened in Classic view, the form will display as a PDF since it cannot be edited in Classic view. |
Next Steps
Now that you know the different smartFORM field types, take a look at Learning Basic Navigation of eduCLIMBER.