This lesson will guide you through adding an incident using the Template Form in your eduCLIMBER system.
1. Where to Start
- Click the + button towards the top.
- Select Create Incident.
- Type the first few letters of the student’s first or last name to generate a list of students to choose from. Select a student by clicking their name > Add.
- A window will pop-up asking if you want to add another student to the incident. Only one incident will be created, but all students selected will be assigned an incident. If multiple students were involved in the incident, click Yes, if only one student was involved in the incident, click No.
2. Add Incident Details
- The student’s school, the entry user, date, time, and observer are all pre-filled. All fields except the entry user. Click the down arrows in each field box (date icon in the “Incident Date” box) to change that information.
- Begin typing individual staff member names in the Notify Users field to select certain staff members to be emailed of this incident.
- Clicking the box next to Notify Assigned Staff will email only teachers who have a course with that student.
- Students assigned to this incident will appear in tabs within this area. Click the tabs to enter that student's incident details.
- Click "Add Student" to add additional students.
3. Add Behavior, Perceived Motivation, Descriptions
Add Behavior details:
- Choose the Incident Type (i.e. major, minor, seclusion/restraint, etc.).
- Specify incident Code
- The primary box is used to identify which behavior was the primary behavior.
- Click the Add Incident button to add multiple behaviors on one incident. To delete an Incident, click the red "-" button.
Add Perceived Motivation, Description:
- Use the Description area to type the description of the incident.
- Click the down arrow in the Perceived Motivation field box to select the student’s motivation.
4. Add Response, Parent Contact Details
Add Response details:
- By default, the district chooses which incident types are automatically completed and which are not. If "Yes, Do Not Leave Open for Review" is selected, it means this incident is automatically completed. If not, it means it will go to the admin’s Open Incident window for further action.
- Click the down arrow in the Response field box to select the response for this incident.
- If there are additional responses, click "Add Response". Click the red minus button to delete a response from an incident.
- Use the primary box to indicate which response was the main response.
Add Parent Contact / Comments:
- Click the white bar in the Parent Contact area to select the date parents/guardians were contacted about this incident (this is not required to save the incident).
- Type any notes from the parent/guardian contact in the Comments section.
Next Steps
To learn more about using incident configuration and creation, see the lessons in the Creating and Managing Incidents manual.