This lesson will guide you through customizing incident templates in your eduCLIMBER system.
Required Permission: Manage PBIS Setup
Where to Start
- Select System Configuration.
- Select Incidents.
- A general set up section and a menu showing options to customize the incident template will appear. Click on each title to adjust settings.
General Setup
Above the menu is the general set up area.
- Set the motivation "Display Name" name as it appears on the incident template.
- Set the Types per Incident Limit, which represents the max number of behaviors that can be created/entered on each incident.
- Set the Incident Response Limit, which represent the max number of responses that can be created/entered on each incident.
Incident Types

Select Types to identify the incident types needed.
- Select Add to create a new incident type and type the new incident name in the field box that pops up.
- Select Edit to rename or delete any existing incident types. Use the checkboxes that populate to the left to select the incident type to edit.
Manage Incident Types Codes and General Settings
- To manage an incident's specifics, select the name of the incident. The settings page opens for that incident which includes Codes, General, Custom Fields, and Section Properties.
- Select the Codes tab.
- Existing Codes appear in the table. Select Add Code to create a new code.
- Double-select a code title to update the name.
- Double-select to restrict the code type to a specific school(s). If no schools are added, the type will appear for all schools.
- Double-select to create an alias for the code.
- Double-select to add any sub-types.
- Use the KPI Slider to turn on KPI visualizations.
- If this setting is on, users will not be permitted to create this Incident Type unless given individual permission to "create restricted behavior incidents."
- If this setting is on, all descriptions for this incident type will be hidden from staff members - individuals with permission to "view restricted incident descriptions" will be able to see the descriptions.
To add permissions to a user's account, take a look at Manage User Permissions.
- If this setting is on, incidents will be open by default (they will be sent to an Open Incidents section on administrators dashboards).
- If this setting is on, incidents will appear on your weekly view dashboard automatically and will show by default under Visualization > Incidents (located on your home dashboard).
- If this setting is on, this incident type's data will appear on the achievement Dashboard.
- If this setting is on, an automatic email notification will send to a specific individual(s) containing all details of the incident when it is saved.
- Choose any Schools that should have the option to use/see this incident type. If no schools are specified, all schools in the district have access.
- Choose any Groups that should have the option to use/see this incident type. If no groups are specified, all groups in the district have access.
When an incident type is restricted to one or more user groups (or schools), only users in the group(s) added will see the incident data throughout the system. Above is an example of a "Health Office Visit" incident type being restricted and what the system looks like when users have access to see the incident data and what the system looks like when users do not have access to see the incident data.
When users have access | When users do not have access | |
District, Grade, Class search | ||
Student Profile | ||
Incident Search |
Custom Fields

Click Create Field to create a new custom field for the specific incident.

- Type the label of the custom field here.
- Click the down arrow to choose the field type.
- A preview of what the field will look like when creating an incident will appear to the right.
- Click Save.
- Once the custom field is added, you will see the field(name) and field Type.
- The Options column indicates the number of options available for the custom field.
- List Fields are the only custom field that generates multiple options. The specific options can be entered by clicking the number value.
- Turn this setting on if you want the custom field to appear in incident charts.
- Turn this setting on if you want the custom field to be included in exports of incident data
- Turn this setting on if you want the custom field to be active and available when creating the incident type you are editing.
- Turn this setting on if you want users to be required to fill out the field before saving/closing an incident.
- The 3 dot menu allows you to delete or create an alias for the custom field.
Section Properties
When incidents are manually added to eduCLIMBER, specific sections may make sense to display while other may need to be hidden. There are four sections that can be customized for each incident type:
- Description - This section will allow users to type text into a field detailing the description of the incident.
- Motivation - This section will provide a field where users can select an option from a list of pre-defined motivations.
- Response - This section will provide a field for users to add a response to the incident. It also provides an option to mark the incident as complete.
- ParentContact - This section provides a contact date field and a comment field were users can add notes for parent/guardian contact.
For any section within an incident type, identify how the sections should function. Three options exist for each section:
- Hidden - if a section is marked as hidden, the full section will not display on the screen when entering an incident into eduCLIMBER.
- Optional - if a section is marked as optional, the full section will display on the screen with the text (optional) next to the section header. This will allow users to enter data for that section, but data entry will not be required in order to save the incident.
- Required - if a section is marked as required, the full section will display on the screen with an asterisk. Users will be prompted to enter data in order to save the incident.
Next Steps
To learn more about using Incidents in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Configuration manual.