This lesson walks through how to create an Academic Intervention and add students to it from the Dashboard, or from a Data Wall.
Where to Start
Assigning Students to an Intervention Using the + Icon
- Select the + icon in the upper left-hand corner on the dashboard.
- Select Create Intervention.
Assigning Students to an Intervention from a Data Wall
- Select the checkboxes of the desired students that should be added to an intervention from the Data Wall.
- From the blue action bar that appears, select Create Intervention.
Create an Intervention
The Create Intervention menu appears in a side panel on the right side of the screen. Each greyed-out step becomes available once the step above is completed. Users can return to this menu at any time during the Intervention creation process to revisit and edit prior steps.
Add Students
- Select the School Year to select students from.
- Select the School to select the students from.
- Select the Select students dropdown. A list of students populates based on the School Year and School selected. Select the desired students from the dropdown list, or type student names to filter the list.
- Selected students are listed under Students in Interventions. Select the X next to a student to remove them.
- Once the desired students have been added, select Add.
Add students to the same intervention group if they will use the same progress monitor at the same time. For students accessing an individual intervention, create separate interventions for each student.
Interventions will automatically appear in the Interventions tab of a meeting.
Add Intervention Details
- Enter the user who should be the Primary Interventionist. This will display as the current user by default, but can be changed to another user.
- Select + Add Interventionists to add further users as additional interventionists.
- Additional interventionists can access the intervention to assist with data entry, or to manage the intervention when the primary interventionist is unavailable.
- The Additional Interventionists (Optional) field will appear. Search and add further users to be included as interventionists.
- Up to five additional interventionists can be added.
- Select the X next to a user's name to remove them.
Only the Primary Interventionist and Monitoring User can edit the goal or grade of the progress monitoring measure, or delete the progress monitoring measure attached to the intervention, and only those users can determine which progress monitoring measures are identified for ROI reporting.
Secondary interventionist's names will appear on the Creation Report, Fidelity Report, within an Intervention smartFIELD on a smartFORM, and within the Intervention Overview Data List.
- Select the intervention Level.
- Select the Skill Area.
- Select the Strategy.
- Enter a Name for the intervention. A name will be autosuggested, but this can be changed by typing into the text box.
- Select Add once finished.
Create an Intervention Schedule
- Set the Start and End Date of the overall intervention.
- Select the Schedule Type, along with the Days of the week, Days on and Days off, or the Total number of sessions.
- Weekly Schedule - Intervention will occur weekly, on the Days of the week selected.
- Block Schedule - Intervention will occur during the number of Days on, separated by the number of Days off.
- As Needed - Intervention will occur when needed, up to the Total number of sessions entered.
- Set the Start and End Time of the intervention.
- Select Add once complete.
Add Probes/Measures
- Created Measures appear as selectable tabs at the top of the Monitoring Schedule screen. Measure 1 is created and selected by default.
- Select New Measure to create another measure, which will appear as a new tab.
- Enter the user who should be the Monitoring User. This will display as the Primary Interventionist by default, but can be changed to another user.
- Select the probe or Monitoring Type. These are progress monitoring probes configured within Assessments.
- Determine if this measure will be the Primary measure. If selected, this is the measure that will be used in ROI reporting.
- Select the Start and End Date for the measure monitoring.
- Select the Start and End Time of when the measure will be monitored.
Start and End Dates should match the anticipated start and end dates progress monitoring occurs, as this affects ROI reports. These dates and times will also be added to the Monitoring User's eduCLIMBER calendar.
- Set the number of weeks that will occur between each monitoring session. The example above indicates that monitoring will occur every two weeks.
- Set the Day(s) of the week the measure will be monitored.
- For each student linked to the intervention, enter a Goal.
For organizations using FastBridge for progress monitoring, the goal is on the file that is sent in the nightly sync. Therefore, the goal can be left blank in eduCLIMBER. In this manner, the goal will auto-populate with the sync of the data file.
- (Optional) For each student linked to the intervention, enter a Grade.
- The Grade is not necessarily the grade level of the student, but is the grade level of the progress monitoring measure.
- The Grade entered here will appear on the measure in Progress Monitoring.
- Select Remove Measure to delete the selected measure.
- Once all desired measures have been created, select Add.
Review Schedule
The Primary Interventionist and Monitoring User will be emailed a summary of progress based on the schedule configured. Base the frequency of the Review Schedule on the frequency at which the users would like to know of progress, as well as how often measurable progress is anticipated.
- Select the desired Start and End Date of the review schedule.
- Select the Frequency of review emails. If Weekly is selected, set the number of weeks that will occur between each monitoring session, and select the Day(s) of the week.
- If a Monthly frequency is selected, set the Day of Month the review will be sent.
- All students within an intervention can be added to an established meeting in eduCLIMBER. Select Do not assign to meeting to remove this functionality.
- Once completed, select Add.
Final Save
- Once each step has been completed, the original Create Intervention screen appears. Select Update for any step to review and edit the associated selections.
- When finished, select Save.
- Once the intervention has been created, a Success screen will appear, along with a blue popup message.
- Select Print intervention creation report to download a summary report of the intervention.
- Select Okay to close the intervention creation panel.
Next Steps
To learn more, take a look at the other article in the Interventions Monitored by Assessment manual.