This lesson will guide you through uploading Fountas & Pinnell data to your eduCLIMBER system.
Where to Start
Fountas & Pinnell is usually manually entered into eduCLIMBER. We can do an upload, but you have to add the State ID (WISE ID for Wisconsin districts) for every student to the file. Usually by the time you do this it is easier just to enter the score in our system. If you have the file, do the following:
- Assign all students a State ID (WISE ID for Wisconsin districts) on the file.
- Ensure the students’ names are spelled correctly.
- Students’ last names and first names need a separate column.
- The file needs testing windows.
- All students need a score.
If your file has the above information, you can upload it to eduCLIMBER.
Next Steps
To learn more about using assessments in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Assessment Management manual.