In this lesson, you will learn how to validate your attendance import for eduCLIMBER. When importing attendance data into eduCLIMBER, some of the records may need to be validated. The most common validations for attendance data are students, schools, and attendance status/excused/reasons.
If the import tool does not recognize a student contained in one of the records, the data will need to be validated. The validation tool displays the records that need attention. There are two options when validating student records: match to an existing student record or create a new student record. Each row will have either green, yellow, or black text.
Green text: Match to an existing student record
- A student record with green text indicates that the validation tool doesn’t fully recognize the student, but has found an existing record that is a very close match to the incoming record. If the incoming student record matches the selected existing student record, select the Match checkbox. Otherwise, create a new student record by selecting the New checkbox. Once all changes are completed, remember to select Save.
Yellow text: Potential match to an existing student record
- A student record with yellow text indicates that the validation tool doesn’t fully recognize the student, but has found an existing student record that is a potential match. Review the potential match and determine whether or not the existing student record matches the incoming record or if a new student record should be added to eduCLIMBER. If the student record is a match, select the Match checkbox but if the student record should be new, select the New checkbox.
Black text: student not located in the import file
- A student record with black text indicates that the validation tool couldn’t find an existing student listed in the import file. This doesn’t always mean that the student doesn’t exist, it just means that the validation tool could not find an existing student with the exact same name. In these circumstances, the following steps will help verify if it is an existing student or a new student record.
- Check to see if the student exists in eduCLIMBER by double-selecting the No Match area to generate a drop-down to search for the student.
- Search by name to see if the student exists. If a match cannot be found for the student, exit the student search screen and create a new student.
If the validation tool doesn’t recognize a school in the upload file, indicate how to handle the school. There are four options for validating schools: create, alias, exclude, and ignore.
Create the school
- This will add a new school building in eduCLIMBER. The new building will appear in drop-down menus and other areas across the platform.
Set an Alias for the school
- An alias allows the school named in the upload file to be matched to an existing school in eduCLIMBER. For example, there may be an existing elementary named Climberville Elementary but the assessment file lists the school as eduCLIMBER Elementary. An alias can be created so that any time eduCLIMBER sees eduCLIMBER Elementary it is automatically associated with Climberville Elementary.
Exclude the school
- Exclude allows the school record and all associated data to be completely ignored. The data associated with the school record will not be imported into eduCLIMBER.
Ignore the school
- Ignore allows the building to be ignored but still imports all attendance data. The attendance data will be tied to the student and buildings they may be rostered to through other data imports.
If the validation tool does not recognize a user in the attendance upload, the data will need to be validated. Users will either be matched to an existing user account or created as new users.
Match the user to an existing account:
- To match the incoming user record to an existing user account, select the Match User column and search for an existing account. After selecting an existing user account, select the Match checkbox and then select Save.
Add a new user:
- If the user does not already exist in eduCLIMBER, select the New checkbox, and then select Save. A new user will be created when the import runs.
Attendance Status
If the validation tool does not recognize an attendance status code in the upload file, validate the attendance status code. Status for eduCLIMBER is used to determine whether the student was absent or tardy.
Add an alias
- Add an alias to an attendance status code so that eduCLIMBER knows what the code means. For example, you might alias T to Tardy and A to Absent.
Create a new status
- Attendance statuses are rarely created through the validation tool. In most cases, attendance statuses should be added through the Configuration page. You do have the option to add a new status here though.
Attendance Excused
If the validation tool does not recognize an attendance excused code in the upload file, you will have to validate the attendance excused code. Excused determines whether a student is Excused or Unexcused.
Add an alias
- You will add an alias to an attendance excused code so that eduCLIMBER knows what the code means. For example, you might alias E to Excused and U to Unexcused.
Create new status
- Attendance excused statuses are rarely created through the validation tool. In most cases, attendance statuses should be added through the Configuration page.
Attendance Reasons
If the validation tool does not recognize an attendance reason in the upload file, you will have to validate the attendance reason.
Create new reason
- Attendance reasons are almost always created as new.
Add an alias
- Attendance reasons are rarely aliased. The only time you would alias an attendance reason is if you wanted the incoming reason to be displayed differently in eduCLIMBER. For example, if you have an Attendance reason named Tardy-Excused and you just want it to display as Tardy you could create an alias.
Next Steps
To learn more about data validations, visit the Validating Data manual.