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This lesson will assist you with setting up your district's data for the beginning of the year.
Where to Start
- Go to System Configuration.
Deactivate Users
First, deactivate staff members who left the district:
- Select Users & Security.
- Choose Users.
- Select the 3 dot menu on the far-right for the user.
- Select Mark Inactive.
Add Unrostered Users
- Select Users & Security.
- Select Users.
- Select Add User.
New Users who are not assigned classes in a roster file or are not included in a user import will need to be manually added. Example users are Administrators, Psychologists, Counselors, Specialists, Special Education Teachers, or Coaches.
Set and Check Feeder Schools
Required Permission: Allow Access to Feeder Schools/Grades
Feeder schools are used to allow users with the enabled permission to view incoming students prior to the students having an actual enrollment record within the future school. This feature is useful for sites that will be testing and evaluating students academic levels prior to the start of the new academic year, for creating class lists, or other work that requires knowledge of incoming student's data.
- Select District & Schools.
- Choose Manage Schools.
- Select the box in the Feeder School column for the school row that needs a feeder school(s) added or verified.
Set School Days Off
- Select District & Schools.
- Choose School Days Off.
- Use the dropdown to choose the school year.
- Select Add to enter all dates that students do not report to school. This information will automatically adjust all intervention schedules created for the new school year.
Roster Visualization
We have rolled over to the new year. Why am I not seeing my students in eduCLIMBER yet?
What SIS do you use? (see SIS specific notes below)
- The SIS setup and script might cause the rosters to not come into eduCLIMBER prior to school starting.
Are your extracts scheduled to run nightly? And are they active?
- Roster files may be scheduled to only run once a week. In this case, data will not be visualized until the upload. For example, if school starts on Monday, and the rosters are only scheduled to run on Friday, students could be in school for several days before seeing a roster file.
Are the students active in the SIS?
- Students have to be active in the SIS to visualize in eduCLIMBER. For example, Skyward will not send students if they are not active and school has to have started
Do all the students have courses assigned to them in the SIS?
- If NO courses, then students will not be pulled into the extract for eduCLIMBER. Once the students have courses and the school year is active, data will be visualized. If it is desired to see data visualized before the school year starts, see the notes below.
When does school start?
- Infinite Campus (old script), PowerSchool and Skyward all will send after school starts, see the SIS Variances below for guidance on how to visualize the rosters in eduCLIMBER earlier.
Look at the Scheduled System Templates and make sure the extract is active in PowerSchool.
If courses are assigned to students and the year is active, send a file by selecting the “run now” button (it looks like a play button) in Scheduled System Templates.
Infinite Campus
Most Infinite Campus clients need to take no action. The SQL script is written to automatically rollover to the new school year. If you find that your data is not coming into eduCLIMBER, please place a support ticket at
Rosters start once students are active.
If rosters are desired before the students are active, edit the historical extract to look at the future and then go into the scheduled task → select the roster → select “run now.”
- The academic year for DnA extracts changes on August 1st each year. This means that the new year data will begin being sent on August 1st. This is also not an automated process, and roster data will be stale until the rollover during the August 1st process is complete.
- In order for students to be visualized in eduCLIMBER, they must be considered active, with at least one rostered course. If there are no courses, then students will not be pulled into the extract for eduCLIMBER.
- If your district needs the data for the new academic year into eduCLIMBER prior to 8/1, it can be brought over through a manual extract by placing a support ticket into
Next Steps
Now that you’ve learned how to set up your data for the beginning of the year, take a look at End-of-Year Clean-Up.