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This lesson will guide you through creating custom assessments in your eduCLIMBER system.
Required Permissions Configure Assessment Manager
Where to Start
- Select System Configuration.
- Choose Assessments.
- Select "Add" to create a new assessment group.
- Enter a name for the new assessment group.
- Select Create.
Add Parent and Child Assessments
- Open the new Assessment Group > Add Assessments.
- Name the assessment.
- Assign the Category.
- Determine the Assessment Type (Both standard assessments and progress monitoring can be added to Custom Assessments - if both are selected a "Test Date" column will appear on the Score Entry Page).
- Select Save Assessment.
- Add additional assessments using the New button.
- Assign a parent assessment by double-selecting the blank space under the Parent Name column for the assessment you would like to add a parent to.
Parent/Child Hierarchy (subskills) - tests can have main overall score(s) (Parents) and sub-scores (Child). Take a look at Assessment Calculation Types to learn more.
Adding Windows
1. Navigate back to the main assessment configuration page to Add Windows.
- Create multiple windows at once by entering a number into the text field.
- Enter the name(s) of the window(s).
- Re-order the window using the 6 dot dragger.
- Select Save when done.
- Add additional windows by selecting New.
Adding Score Details
- Open the Score Details tab and select New.
- Enter a Display Name for the score detail.
- Enter a Description.
- Select Save.
Score details will show on any spreadsheet view (data walls) and when a chart is selected to drill down.
Adding Score Displays
- Open the Score Displays tab and select New.
- Enter the Numerical Value (the value that comes in on the imported file/ also the value that calculates into the parent score).
- Enter what the numeric value should Display As.
- Use the slider to exclude the score from eduCLIBER calculations.
- Use the slider to exclude the score from all areas of eduCLIMBER.
- Select Save.
Score details will show on any spreadsheet view (data walls) and when a chart is selected to drill down.