This lesson guides admin users through creating new users and updating or managing existing users in eduCLIMBER.
Where to Start
- Go to System Configurations.
- Select Users & Security.
- Select Users to create and manage users.
Create a New User
- Select Add User, at the top right of the Users module.
- Enter the First Name and Last Name of the new user.
- Enter a Title for the user. By default, 'Educator' will be entered, however, anything may be entered into this space per district preference.
- Enter an Email and Login for the new user.
- Use the sliders to activate different user account features/permissions:
- Active - New users will be set to Active, by default. Inactive the user if needed.
- Approve SLO - Allows users to approve Student Learning Objectives.
- Force Top Secret - Removes student names throughout eduCLIMBER, replacing them with their student ID only. This does not apply to smartFORMS or Reports.
- Select Create to create the new user record.
A user's email and login can be automatically generated based on the first and last name entered, and the domain entered on the District Information page. Please reach out to eduCLIMBER's educLIMBER Support for assistance configuring these fields.
Manage Users
- User name, information, and title are listed.
- The number of User Groups a user belongs to is denoted by a number. Select the box to add more.
- Extra permissions granted to a user are denoted by a number. Select the box to add more. To learn more about permissions, visit Manage User Permissions.
- Schools and Grades associated with a user are denoted by a number. Select the box to add more.
An option to include All Years is available for school and grades.
- If "All Years" is toggled off, the user will only have access to student data for the defined school(s) and grades(s) for the assigned year(s).
- If “All Years” is toggled on, the user will have access to the school(s) and grade(s) for all years (future years included).
- If “All Years” is manually toggled on for a user for a specific school/grade, when a roster file is imported, the system will not override the (i.e. the system won’t remove the “All Years” toggle and assign them to a specific year - it will remain as “All Years”).
- Toggle Approve SLO or Force Top Secret to enable these functions for users.
- The user's Last Login date is listed.
- Select the three-dot icon to Edit User Info, Send Login Info, or Mark Inactive. If a user is marked inactive, they will no longer be able to log into their account and their name will not be visible in user lists.
- Use the Download icon to generate a PDF of the User List.
- Use the Settings Icon to add or remove columns from the Manage User page.
If an arrow appears in for a user's Groups, Extra Permissions, Schools, or Grades, hover over it to preview the access granted to the user.
Filter by Group, Extra Permissions, Schools, or Grades by selecting the header. The first selection of a header sorts the data in ascending order, the second selection sorts in descending order, and the third selection removes the filtering.
Merge Users
- If any users need to be merged, the option to Merge Users with the number of possible users to merge appears at the top of the Users module. Select Merge Users to get started.
- One user's Name, Email, and Last Login date appear on the left and a match for the user appears on the right. Use the checkboxes to determine if the left or right user should be kept or if the accounts should not be merged at all.
- When Do Not Merge is selected, the user accounts will be removed from the list. Use the slider to keep these users on the list.
- Select Merge to save selections and merge users.
Manage User Name Changes
If users go through a name change and need their account updated to account for a new name and email address:
- Search for the desired user. Two accounts for the user should exist, whether manually added or uploaded via a user file. The accounts should have different email addresses associated with them, one reflecting the user's old name, and one reflecting the new name.
- Select the three dot menu for the "old" user account.
- Select Edit User Info. Edit the user's Last Name to match the "new" account. Be sure to Save.
- Now that the users have the same last name, the Merge icon will appear next to accounts.
- Select Merge Users to combine the accounts.
- Determine which account should be kept based on the email. Select the Keep Left User or Keep Right User arrow for the user account for the email associated with the correct name.
- Select Merge to complete the process. Users are unable to undo this action, so please verify you are choosing the correct account before merging.
Next Steps
To learn more about users, visit Users & Security.