This article guides users through navigating data on the District, Grade, and Class tabs. The District tab provides district or building-wide data. The Grade tab provides grade-level data. The Class tab provides course-level data. All data on these tabs pertain to academics, incidents, and attendance.
Where to Start
- Select the tab to view data for - District, Grade, or Class.
Using Filters
- Along with the dropdown filter options available for each tab, the Filters button offers further filtering options.
- Use the Combine Data By filters to choose how data columns will be split up in the charts. In the example above, all School, Ethnicity, and Gender data are combined, and will not be differentiated in the charts. Grade data is not combined, so that chart data will display with a separate column for each grade.
- Select a filter category to reveal further filtering options. Categories include Assessment, Demographics, Intervention Status, and Active Student Filters.
- When selecting a desired filter to add from a dropdown, the filter will appear green by default. A green filter tag indicates the charts will be filtered to that option, excluding data that does not meet that criteria. The example green filter above means that only At-Risk students will display.
- Selecting a green filter tag will turn the text filter red. Red filter tags indicate that the charts will display all data except for the red filter, excluding data that meets the chosen red filter criteria. The example red filter above means that only students that are not White will display.
- Select Apply to save the filter changes.
- Once filters have been applied, each chart displays what filters are currently in use. The example above indicates that data is being shown for non-white female students that are at-risk.
District Tab
The District tab provides district- or building-wide data, designed to focus on the efficacy of core instruction at the district level. On the District tab, users can:
- View the percent of students at benchmark, then subskills.
- Determine program effectiveness by viewing the percent of students who started at a particular level, and where those students have moved to.
- Cannot create a data wall in this tab.
- Use the dropdown filters to narrow the scope of visible data.
- The Academic Year filter is required.
- All other filter choices are optional, including School, Grade, Category, and Assessment Suite.
- Select Filters to further customize the data filtering, including by disability code, ethnicity, active status, or meal code.
- Select Search to view data.
- Toggle between different types of data by selecting a Category in the left-hand bar.
- Select a bar within a chart to drill down into the chart.
The District Tab supports one year of academic data.
Grade Tab
The Grade tab provides grade-level data, designed to focus on the efficacy of core instruction at one grade level. On the Grade tab, users can:
- View the percent of students at benchmark, then subskills.
- View cohort student data.
- Determine program effectiveness by viewing the percent of students who started at a particular level, and where those students have moved to.
- Create a data wall from this tab.
- Use the dropdown filters to narrow the scope of visible data.
- The Academic Year, School, and Grade Level filters are required.
- Use the second year field to define years of Academic Data.
- Category and Assessment Suite fields are optional.
- Select Filters to further customize the data filtering, including by disability code, ethnicity, active status, or meal code.
- Select Search to view data.
- Toggle between different types of data by selecting a Category in the left-hand bar.
- Select a bar within a chart to drill down into the chart.
- Select Data Wall to view the data as color-coded grid list, instead of within charts.
The Grade Tab supports up to five years of academic data per search for Charted Data.
Class Tab
The Class tab provides course-level data, designed to focus on the efficacy of core instruction at one class level. On the Class tab, users can:
- View the percent of students at benchmark, then subskills.
- View cohort student data.
- Determine program effectiveness by viewing the percent of students who started at a particular level, and where those students have moved to.
- Create a data wall from this tab.
- Use the dropdown filters to narrow the scope of visible data.
- The Academic Year, User, Course, and Period filters are required.
- Use the second year field to define years of Academic Data.
- Category and Assessment Suite fields are optional.
- Select Filters to further customize the data filtering, including by disability code, ethnicity, active status, or meal code.
- Select Search to view data.
- Toggle between different types of data by selecting a Category in the left-hand bar.
- Select a bar within a chart to drill down into the chart.
- Select Data Wall to view the data as color-coded grid list, instead of within charts.
The Class Tab supports up to five years of academic data per search for Charted Data.
Next Steps
To learn more about navigating in eduCLIMBER, visit Learning Basic Navigation of eduCLIMBER.