Data Imports
PALS and eduCLIMBER can now automate! Automations were enabled for all Wisconsin districts. This automation can be disabled. For questions regarding the automation or to disable the automation, contact our support team :
Users can now add Disability Code to a smartFORM template. When added to a template, the disability code field will automatically populate with the specific code(s) assigned to the student from the SIS so long as a student field is also added to the smartFORM.
Users can now add a specific student ID to a smartFORM template. When added to a template, use the Field Specific section to identify the specific ID(s) to display on the smartFORM. (*Note the Student District ID Field will remain as a field option since this field was a previous option within the system that may have been used and may have data tied to it. Moving forward, the new Student ID smartFIELD provides users the ability to identify the specific ID(s) (including the district ID) to display on the smartFORM.