Create demographics to display key demographics for specific students.
Required Permission: Upload Data into eduCLIMBER
Where to Start
Q: Can students be removed from a Demographic with an upload?
A: Yes. Create a file that contains the student information along with the Demographic Name and Demographic Value. Leave "Demographic Value" as a header on the file, but remove the data within the field for the student. Leaving the "Demographic Value" field blank for an individual student on an uploaded file will remove the demographic in full from the student's account in eduCLIMBER.
Q: Can I search data using a specific demographic that is applied for a specific date?
A: Not at this time. While a start and end date are applied to the Demographic, those dates are used to display the demographic within the current school year.
Q: What field is needed on a smartFORM to show Demographics on a smartFORM?
A: The field XXXX will be needed on a smartFORM template to show demographic data. To learn of the specifics for this field and others, please visit the help article smartFORM Field Type Descriptions.
Q: When I add or remove the field for Demographics on a smartFORM, how does this impact forms already assigned?
A: Forms already assigned to a student will not be impacted. The change only applies to new forms created with the change/update. For example, if a template is created that does not have demographics added and that form is assigned to a student, no demographics will display. If the template is updated to include demographics, the already assigned form will not display the demographic data. However, if a new form is assigned to the student, the newly assigned form will display the demographic data because that field is on the template.
Q: Where do demographics display on a datawall?
A: By default, they do not display. To display demographics (as well as any other demographic) on a data wall, choose to enable demographics from the Student column of the data wall.
Q: I have a file that identifies students for a specific demographic (i.e. Military). I am choosing the value type of Yes/No. The file I am uploading has "Yes" for students who meet the criteria. Additionally, I have some students with a value of "No" if they do not meet the criteria. Will the students with the value of "No" be ignored within eduCLIMBER, or will they have a demographic that displays as a value of "No"?
A: The students will display as having a demographic of No. The Demographic Name on the file is what displays in eduCLIMBER. eduCLIMBER will read the text and display the text. To have a student not display with any demographic, they will need to be left off of the file upload or manually removed from the demographic within eduCLIMBER.
Q: My SIS (PowerSchool) does not offer Hispanic as an option for Race but does for ethnicity. This data is being included in the export from my SIS to eduCLIMBER, but it is not appearing in eduCLIMBER.
A: Please reach out to eduCLIMBER Support. They will need to turn on a setting on the back end in order for the data to appear.
Next Steps
To learn more about searching and filtering by demographics, visit the Viewing and Searching by Demographics article.