This article addresses frequently asked questions about SLOs.
General Questions
What is an SLO?
SLOs are Student Learning Objectives. SLOs are developed to help educators focus on Student Growth. They are used to create building, school, and class level goals with the ability to manage strategies and logistics, and have the ability to link to smartFORMS.
To learn more, visit the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Overview.
How do I create an SLO?
SLOs can be created from the three-dot menu of a Chart or Data Wall.
To learn more, visit Create a Student Learning Objective (SLO).
Where can SLOs be accessed?
Existing SLOs can be accessed via the SLO tile on the Quick Links menu on the Launchpad.
To learn more, visit Access and Edit Existing SLOs.
Admin Questions
What permissions are needed to use SLOs?
All users have access to SLOs, however, additional permissions include Update/Delete other user's SLO comments and Update other user's SLO Plan. Administrators can grant these permissions as needed to users that should have access to other user's SLOs.
How are SLO Reviewers determined?
Administrators must designate which users can be Reviewers of an SLO by setting the Approve SLO toggle within System Configuration.
To learn more, visit Enable SLO Reviewers.
It is recommended that users that can 'Approve SLO' also have the permission Update Other User’s SLO plan, which provides users the ability to identify the reviewer, the permission gives the reviewer access to the SLO in the SLO tile.
All User Questions
Can I still interact with a Strategy after its Status is Done?
No, after a Strategy has its status set to Done, it cannot be changed.
Can I edit or delete Strategies?
Yes, Strategies can be edited and deleted by selecting the three-dot menu on the Strategy.