Organizations that upload Attendance typically have Terms included in their file; however, some Student Information Systems do not provide that data. Terms can be manually created within eduCLIMBER to prevent uploads from failing. This lesson guides users through creating Terms within the interface.
Where to Start
- Go to System Configuration.
- Select Attendance.
- Choose Terms.
- Any existing Terms appear in the table. Double click into any cell on the table to edit the information.
- Select Manage Term Names to add or edit Term Names. For example, determine if Terms are Yearlong, Quarters, Semesters, Trimesters, etc.
- Select New to create a new Term.
Create New Terms
New and existing terms for any school should be set up so that the term dates do not overlap. Creating a setup where one term begins before the previous term ends, or where terms are running concurrently, such as a semester alongside two quarters, will result in errors when importing attendance files.
- Select the School Year which the Term applies.
- Select a School.
- Select a Term. The available options are determined by what has been created within Manage Term Names.
- Choose a Start Date. This applies to the first date of the chosen Term as should match the date within the Student Information System.
- Choose an End Date. This applies to the last date of the chosen Term and should match the date within the Student Information System.
- Select Save to create the Term.
Next Steps
Once data has been uploaded, it may need to be validated. Visit Attendance Validations for more information.