Users with the appropriate permissions have access to District Dashboards, as well as shared or personally created dashboards within Achievement Dashboard. Dashboards provide the ability to display and organize important information from multiple data sources within one view. They are customizable to meet any data driven need. This lesson walks through navigation of a personally created dashboard.
Required Permission: Access District Achievement Dashboard OR Manage District Achievement Dashboard
Where to Start
- Go to Achievement Dashboard.
- Select the desired dashboard.
- Select the back arrow to the left of the dashboard name to return to the list of dashboards.
- Dashboards have Visualizations, and may have Action Plans. Use the tabs to toggle between the two.
- If the dashboard has Section Headers, select a heading to move to those visualizations within the dashboard. Use the up arrow to be taken back to the top at any time.
- Drill into a visualization by selecting a spot on the chart. Drilled in data is only shown based on a user's visibility.
- Use the three-dot menu within the visualization to make edits, change the chart type, delete, set goals, set as a public image, and print.
- Add visualizations by selecting New Visualization.
- Share the dashboard with other users by selecting the Person + icon.
- Select the dashboard three-dot menu to update dashboard details, duplicate, or delete.
Users without the Access or Manage District Achievement Dashboard permissions are not able to create their own personal dashboards. However, if a dashboard has been shared with them, depending on the permissions they have been given when the dashboard was shared, these users may view, edit, share, and/or delete shared dashboards following the same steps.
Next Steps
To learn more about interacting with personal dashboards, view Edit, Share, and Delete a Dashboard.