Organizations can configure their own Performance Bands for attendance in order to set ranges of specific attendance rates. For example, organizations can create Performance Bands to set ranges to track Chronic Absenteeism. This lesson guides users through configurating Attendance Performance Bands to use within visualizations in Achievement Dashboard.
Required Permission: Manage Attendance Configuration
Where to Start
- Go to System Configuration.
- Select Attendance.
- Choose Performance Bands.
Range Descriptors
- Select Add Range Descriptor. Range Descriptors are a word or phrase used to describe a range of attendance rates.
- Choose a color for the descriptor.
- Enter a Name for the descriptor. Consider a convention that matches the color with the convention for users to quickly identify trends.
- Select the trash can icon to remove a Range Descriptor.
Repeat steps 4-6 as needed to create all possible Range Descriptors that can be used to create Performance Bands.
- After all Range Descriptors have been created, select Add Performance Band. Enter a name and select Save.
Performance Bands
The name of the Performance Band is added to the list of any existing bands. Select the name to add bands. There are two options available; users can configure SIS Reported Rate Band Values or Full Day Rate Bands Values. The available options are dependent on the organization’s Student Information System.
- Select Add Range.
- Choose a range from the available Range Descriptors made in the previous steps, starting from the highest value.
- Enter a Starting Value. This value reflects the percentages at which the range applies. Select Submit, and the Ending Value automatically populates. Repeat steps 1-3 until all bands have been created.
- Select the trash can icon to remove a Performance Band.
- Choose Schools at which the Performance Bands apply. Each school may only be added to one Performance Band configuration.
Only organizations uploading attendance directly from eSchoolData, Infinite Campus, PowerSchool, and other SIS vendors that support this extract can use the SIS Reported Rate.
Next Steps
To learn about Attendance visualizations, visit Creating an Attendance Visualization.