Attendance visualizations can be used to track student attendance, and are commonly utilized to track Chronic Absenteeism. This lesson guides users through creating an Attendance visualization.
Before You Begin
Required Permissions: Access District Achievement Dashboard OR Manage District Achievement Dashboard
This lesson begins assuming a Dashboard has already been created. If one has not been created, take a look at Create a New Dashboard.
Where to Start
- Select New Visualization.
- Choose Attendance.
Attendance Visualizations
- Enter a Name for the visualization.
- Select a Grouping. Depending on the user's level of access, options include District, School, School Group, Grade, Ethnicity, and Gender.
- Use Report As to select if Attendance will display the Overall Rate or Performance Bands.
- If Performance Bands is chosen, the Show As field appears, with the options to display the visualization with Total Students or Percent of Students.
- By default, data is reported as a number.
- If Percent is selected, data will display as a percent only if the Visualization Type is set to Numerical.
- If Performance Bands is chosen, the Reporting Rate field also appears. Select if the bands will reflect the Full Day Rate or SIS Reported Rate. This option will be dependent on what has been configured, and what SIS the organization uses.
- Select a Visualization Type. This determines how the data is displayed. Options include a Bar Chart, Column Chart, Numeric Display, Line Chart, and Table.
- Select the arrow icon to expand possible Student Filter options. This requires students to meet the selected filters to appear within the visualization.
- Example: If eduCLIMBER Elementary is selected, then only students who attended eduCLIMBER Elementary for the roster year selected will appear in the visualization.
The Active Status under the Student Filters is automatically set to Active for newly created visualizations. This filter can be set to Active or Inactive, or the X can be selected to remove the filter, allowing for both active and inactive students to appear on the visualization.
- Enter a Short Description as needed to provided more details on the data.
- Select the arrow icon to expand possible Display Settings, such as Color Customization, and an Axis Minimum and Maximum.
- Select Save to create the visualization.
Visualizations are automatically added to the bottom of the dashboard.
Next Steps
Learn more about creating visualizations by visiting Create an Incident Type Visualization.