Users may need to copy several smartFORMS. This lesson guides users through using the Bulk Copy feature within smartFORMS, which allows for identical or updated versions of the form to be created.
Where to Start
- Go to smartFORMS.
- Access the My smartFORMS or Student Forms tab.
Bulk Copy
- Select one or more forms via the checkboxes to the left of the Form Name.
- Select Bulk Copy.
- By default, (Copy) is added as the Name Postfix. If the original form is named PLC Reading Concerns, the new version will be called PLC Reading Concerns (Copy). Update the Postfix as needed.
- Choose to create an Identical Copy or Updated Copy of the form.
- Identical - an identical copy of the smartFORM is created. Any changes that may have been made to the template are not reflected in this new version of the form.
- Updated- the copy will use the latest version of the template.
- Select Copy to create the new forms.
If multiple forms were selected, this message appears while forms are being copied. Once forms have been copied, they are immediately available for use.
The data within the selected form(s) is copied exactly. SmartFIELDS are not updated as they relate to the academic year and need to be updated manually.
Next Steps
Learn more about smartFORM bulk functions by visiting Batch Printing smartFORMS.